Clipping and trimming
Fix up and look sharp with these top trimmers
When should you clip your horse for the final time to ensure a gleaming summer coat? H&H investigates...
Which type of clip is right for your horse? Check out H&H’s helpful guide
How to clip a horse: a video masterclass
5 clipping challenges you need to prepare yourself for...
‘Aesthetics should never compromise welfare’: major show brings in ear-trimming rule
14 jobs all horse owners need to do right now
Lister launches smallest and lightest cordless clipper to date
Liveryman Bruno lightweight clippers/trimmer review
How to pull a horse’s mane: your complete guide
Liveryman Black Beauty horse clippers review *H&H Approved*
Heiniger Xplorer horse clippers review
Black Friday clipper deals
5 types of clip you’ll only meet in the real world
While we’d all like our horses to come out looking like the illustrations in the BHS manual, sometimes things don’t quite go according to plan...
My horse hates being clipped — what should I do?
Here Jason Webb of Australian Horse Training gives one H&H forum user advice on clipping a horse that hates the process
12 signs it (might be) nearly springtime
Call us over-optimistic, but with the sun shining today it’s got us thinking — could spring be lurking around the corner? We think it might be (preferably with a lot less rain too)...
9 reasons why we’re big fans of the blanket clip
Clipping legs at shows no longer allowed under FEI rules
Jason Webb’s blog: spook-busting tips, fresh horses in winter and how to convince your horse they won’t be eaten by clippers
Jason shares some great advice on how to manage spooky or clipper-shy horses