Supreme Products blue shampoo review *H&H Approved*
Veredus Blue Snow Shampoo review
7 gentle shampoos and washes for horses with sensitive skin
Back to basics: cleaning horses’ hooves — a complete how-to guide
11 medicated shampoos and washes to soothe the skin and clean the coat
From a muddy field to the show ring: a complete guide on how to groom a horse
How good is your bath-time game? Here’s the best way to wash horses...
Your ultimate guide to tack cleaning – learn the very best way to do it
6 grooming fails that always happen at the wrong moment
Hands up who’s had one of these – usually the night before a big, important event, explains Sara Walker…
Prepare to be amazed — 18 showstopper tail plaits and braids
To celebrate the art of the perfect tail plait — and to enjoy some extraordinary masterpieces — here are 18 showstoppers. Prepare to be amazed
The (tongue-in-cheek) beginners’ guide to the grooming kit
Giving your horse a good groom every day means you can keep them looking smart while keeping an eye out for any problems. Sara Walker explains what you’ll need to do the job...
Cavalor Star Shine: ‘worth every penny’ 10/10
Equimins Detangler Ultra Silky Spray: ‘versatile, affordable and it lasts’ 8/10
Find out how busy yard owner and hunting enthusiast Harriet Rimmer rated this mane and tail detangler in Horse & Hound’s group test
Nettex Mane & Tail Detangler Spray: ‘a little goes a long way’ 8/10
Leovet 5 Star Detangler: ‘a good conditioning treatment’ 8/10
Smart Grooming Tame the Mane: ‘good for unruly manes’ 8/10
NAF Silky Mane & Tail D-Tangler: ‘a good, effective all-round spray’ 7/10
Showmaster Tail and Mane Silk Deluxe: ‘works well but tricky to apply’ 6/10
Find out how busy yard owner and hunting enthusiast Harriet Rimmer rated this mane and tail detangler in Horse & Hound’s group test
Mastacare Mane and Tail Spray: ‘a budget option with a compact bottle’ 6/10