
The Horse & Hound Podcast 67: Sir Lee Pearson | Bicton five-star | SJ Euros | Rider fitness by sport | News round-up

  • In our 67th weekly episode of The Horse & Hound Podcast, H&H dressage editor Polly Byan talks to Sir Lee Pearson about winning three gold medals at the Tokyo Paralympics on a home-bred horse, and what the future may hold for the para dressage legend, who become a foster father last year. In a sport-packed episode H&H’s podcast host Pippa Roome chats to Catherine Austen about Bicton five-star, before catching up with H&H’s news writer Becky Murray to discuss the European Showjumping Championships as well as other topical news. Finally, in this week’s advice section, we welcome back personal trainer Katie Bleekman for the final episode in her mini series to talk about the type of fitness needed for different equestrian sports. We hope you will find this useful.

    Episode 67 of The Horse & Hound Podcast, our popular audio service available every Thursday morning for our H&H digital subscribers is now live.

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    In our 67th weekly episode of The Horse & Hound Podcast, H&H dressage editor Polly Bryan talks to the truly inspirational Sir Lee Pearson about his Tokyo Paralympics, how it feels to win three gold medals on a home-bred horse, and why he was moved to speak out about the importance of love and acceptance for all, regardless of their sexuality or disability, while at the Games. She also quizzes Lee on his plans for the future – after six Paralympics, is the para dressage legend and foster father preparing to hang up his boots? Not a chance. He’s planning for Paris, and beyond, with a host of exciting new home-bred young horses coming through, and he also intends to ride at grand prix before he even thinks about hanging up his boots.

    “My mare is working at grand prix, so if I can grow some… confidence we might try to get out at grand prix later this year or the start of next year. It will be an awful score and will be awfully messy, but it’s everyone’s dream – we are just sorting those canter zig zags out at the moment and a bit more engagement in piaffe and passage” – Sir Lee Pearson on his future plans

    Moving on to the week’s elite sport, H&H’s podcast host Pippa Roome chats to Catherine Austen about all the action at Bicton five-star, which saw Gemma Tattersall win her first five-star title (and get engaged), before catching up with H&H’s news writer Becky Murray about the European Showjumping Championships as well as other topical news.

    “It was a brilliant event. Bicton five-star was a one-off – they did an incredible job. It was demanding, it was a good competition with really good horses and riders, and what matters at a five-star is that the best horses and riders end up at the top – it wasn’t a chance result and that franks the event” – H&H’s Bicton reporter Catherine Austen

    In this week’s advice section, we welcome back personal trainer Katie Bleekman for the final part of her rider fitness mini series, which focuses on the particular types of fitness needed for the various equestrian sports.

    “‘Functional training’ ensures what you do relates to your specific sport – so you are training the same muscles that you are going to use when you are riding” – Katie Bleekman

    H&H Plus podcast: episode 67

    Listen now to other recent episodes of The Horse & Hound Podcast…

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