Polo ponies
Polo Heritage by Aline Coquelle
Find out what the H&H team thought of this coffee table book, Polo Heritage by Aline Coquelle
The ultimate bluffer’s guide to polo
For everyone who may be heading to a game for the first time this season, or even thinking about giving it a try themselves, we bring you a bluffer’s guide to the basics…
'It's harder than it looks': H&H dressage editor tries her hand at polo
Fancy giving polo a go this summer? Find out what happened when H&H’s dressage editor Polly Bryan took a refresher polo lesson at the Beaufort Polo Club
Polo on snow, plenty of glamour and 1,400 bottles of champagne: behind the scenes in St Moritz
H&H takes a look behind the scenes at the famous winter spectacle
An Olympic future for polo?
The Federation of International Polo (FIP) has submitted an application for the sport to be included at Tokyo 2020
Polo player stars in new Stella Artois advert [VIDEO]
The sponsor of the Argentine Open polo tournament has created an advert starring one of the polo world's biggest names
Polo pony 'Lady Gaga' at centre of libel case
Buyer taken to the High Court after making defamatory claims about the vendor of a polo pony
Luke Tomlinson: The challenge of team selection [H&H VIP]
After controversy regarding the team selected to play in the Coronation Cup, Luke Tomlinson explains the selection criteria
Luke Tomlinson: Changing tactics [H&H VIP]
Luke Tomlinson, coach of the young England squad, discusses the different tactics used in their victory over Hong Kong
Luke Tomlinson: Making a polo pony [H&H VIP]
Luke Tomlinson explains how to make a polo pony and looks ahead to the start of the Gold Cup
Luke Tomlinson: New technological tactics [H&H VIP]
Luke Tomlinson discusses how advances in technology are helping polo teams with their performances
Segway polo needs you!
A London technology consultant wants people to swap 4 legs for 2 wheels
Rider commutes by horseback, cycle, canoe and in the pool
Leicestershire rider Harry Whinney took five different forms of transport during a week of commuting to his office in Nottinghamshire to raise money for the air ambulance service
Seven polo ponies cut free from an overturned lorry in Gloucestershire
Seven polo ponies had to be rescued by firemen this weekend after the lorry in which they were travelling overturned at the Air Balloon pub roundabout