Livery yards
The pros and cons of keeping a horse at home: what you really need to know
How inheritance tax changes could hit the equestrian industry as well as farmers
Trying to save money on your horse bills? Take a look at these top tips
Horse world faces ‘perfect storm’ of wage and tax increases
‘You can’t pay bills with love’: the business of keeping horses must be made viable
How much does a horse really cost a month? H&H does the maths...
Most livery yard owners would support licensing
Licensing livery yards could be on the cards in new Government plans
‘Long may they continue’: Britain’s best equestrian yards celebrated
Celebrating excellence: shortlist announced for yard of the year awards
‘Where will the riders and horses go?’: campaign as major livery and show yard is to close
6 things livery yard owners really, really hate – so don’t do them!
Higher livery bills should follow April’s minimum wage increase
Owners put their horses first as economic situation bites
‘It is not ok to operate illegally’: work continues on good equestrian employment
‘We need to make working with horses attractive’: organisations join forces on good employment
Why owners and livery yards must acknowledge the true cost of keeping horses
‘Very challenging times’ ahead as minimum wage set to rise again
What a celebration of excellence’: top yards of 2022 honoured