A stunning filly sired by one of the Queen’s horses is seeking a name.
The foal was born at HorseBack UK, a Scotland-based charity that uses horsemanship to improve the lives of the injured and sick of the military community.
The charity’s mare, Chexys Gold (Chexy) gave birth to the filly on 8 May.
Chexy, an American quarter horse who competed in the reining European Championships, came to HorseBack UK in 2009 following her retirement
Balmoral Hercules, the sire of the new arrival, lives on the Balmoral Estate and is one of the Queen’s Highland ponies.
It was decided to combine the two breeds following the success of another horse at the charity.
“He too is a cross between a quarter horse and a highland pony and has proved to be a huge asset,” a spokesman for HorseBack UK told H&H.
“The two breeds bring the calmness of the quarter horse and the strength of the Highland without increasing the size.”
The foal is yet to be named and the public has been asked to submit suggestions.

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So far Carmel, Hope, Dazzle and Maia are among the suggestions.
Sinatra and Frankie have also been put forward in reference to the youngster’s blue eyes.
When the filly has matured she will be trained to become part of the HorseBack UK equine team.
“Chexy is being a fantastic mum and we are looking forward to the journey the foal will now take,” added Emma Hutchison, co-founder of HorseBack UK.