
8 wonderful rescued horses looking for knowledgable new homes

Brought to you in partnership with SEIB Insurance Brokers, here are eight rescued horses that have been nursed back to health and are now looking for wonderful new homes...

  • As the pressure on equine welfare charities remains high as they deal with the ongoing equine crisis, horses that have successfully been rehabilitated need to move to new homes in order to make space for emergency cases that need urgent care.

    Alongside this week’s charity special issue of Horse & Hound (out now, issue dated 28 May), here are eight rescued horses that have been nursed back to health and are now looking for wonderful new homes…

    World Horse Welfare

    Name: Primrose
    Height: 12.3hh
    Age: 14
    About: Primrose is a cob mare who is looking for a new home as a project pony. She has recently started basic work, including physio and pole exercises, and has the potential to make a lovely ridden pony. Primrose has a very kind, calm temperament and is based at Glenda Spooner Farm Rescue and Rehoming Centre, in Somerset. Find out more: rehoming.worldhorsewelfare.org

    Name: Chancer
    Height: 13.1hh
    Age: nine
    About: Chancer is a cob gelding who is ready to be rehomed as a project driving pony. He is happily long-reining around the farm and has had a driving harness on which didn’t faze him in the slightest. Chancer has lovely manners and is based at Belwade Farm Rescue and Rehoming Centre, in Aberdeenshire.
    Find out more: rehoming.worldhorsewelfare.org

    Horse Trust

    Name: Gabriel
    Height: 12.1hh
    Age: four
    About: Gabriel is a lightweight cob gelding who is looking for his forever home. He was born at The Horse Trust when his mother, Eve, was rescued from a field with lots of other abandoned ponies.  Gabriel is really good to handle and enjoys coming in for a groom and some pampering. All of the grooms think of him as a superstar. The grooms have started doing some training with Gabriel. He his currently being backed to harness and with the correct training in the home he could make a nice child’s ride and drive.
    Find out more: www.horsetrust.org.uk

    Name: Jack Sparrow
    Height: 13.2hh
    Age: three
    About: Sparrow is a thoroughbred type gelding. In March 2017 he was found by Highways England and Avon & Somerset Police after being abandoned at the side of the road with two of his friends. He was only nine months old at the time, and was severely underweight and covered in lice. He recently had his eye removed due to his poor start in life. It causes him no problems though and doesn’t stop him running around the field with my friends. Sparrow is now in good health and is looking for a home as a companion. He is good to handle and enjoys a nice groom. He is also good for the farrier and the vet.
    Find out more: www.horsetrust.org.uk

    Blue Cross

    Name: Prince
    Height: 14.2hh
    Age: 11
    About: Prince, who is a cob cross Arab type, is looking for a non-ridden companion home. Prince is a sweet gelding, who is looking for a companion home where he can be pampered and spend his time with some new field friends. Once settled into the environment, he is good to groom, catch and lead. Prince has lived in a mixed herd while being at the Rolleston rehoming centre in Staffordshire, and is good within the herd environment. Prince can live out 24/7 with access to a shelter or be part stabled.
    Find out more: www.bluecross.org.uk

    Name: Bandit
    Height: 12.2hh
    Age: three
    About: Bandit is a super-cute cob, who is an up and coming youngster, who could make a great project for someone. He has spent the past few years in a loving Blue Cross loan home and is now looking forward to a new adventure where he will one day be a child’s riding pony. He is based in Burford and is good to handle in all ways — he can sometimes need some positive encouragement when it comes to the farrier as he can be a little cheeky at times though.
    Find out more: www.bluecross.org.uk

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    Name:  Lilly
    Height: 13.3hh
    Age: four
    About: Lilly, who is a New Forest cross breed, is full of character — very cheeky and incredibly intelligent. She picks up new things very quickly, including how to open gates! She is a bit of a show off and loves to strut her stuff in the field, showing off her very flashy trot. She also likes to think she is racehorse when she races our tractor up and down the field. Lilly came to the RSPCA emaciated, starving and fighting for her life. It took her a long time to come round, but she has now made a full recovery. She is very people orientated and loves to be groomed. She has only very lightly begun to do some work in-hand as she is only four years old. She also has a few medical issues which may affect her ability to be ridden, however we are still investigating this. These issues wont stop her potential to be a lovely companion pony or low level in-hand showing pony. She is based at the RSPCA Southridge Animal Centre, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire.
    Find out more: www.rspca.org.uk

    Name: Hope
    Height: 15hh
    Age: five
    About: At five years old Hope, a thoroughbred crossbreed, is proving to be a very loving girl. She does, however, have a huge amount still to learn and will need someone very caring and experienced to teach her. Hope has learnt to wear a bridle and be led in-hand during her stay with the RSPCA. Hope can be a little nervous when being groomed, but has gained confidence, and has made an improvement while being at the centre. Hope was found in a collapsed state as a young foal, within hours of death . She was infested with worms, covered in lice and had diarrhoea. She has made an amazing recovery and is now finally ready to start looking for a new home. She can be a little nervous when being groomed, but has gained confidence, and has improved while being at the centre. Hope will need a very experienced home which has dealt with youngsters before. She is very good around the mares she is turned out, and will be homed as a companion pony only due to her previous history. Hope is based at RSPCA Southridge Animal Centre, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire.
    Find out more: www.rspca.org.uk

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