Everyone loves an ice lorry when it’s as hot as this – and none more so than the residents of The Donkey Sanctuary.
Staff at the charity’s bases have been creating the lollies from a variety of ingredients to make them smell interesting and appealing. These include grated carrot, apple and hazel leaves in water, flavoured tea and cordial.
“Not only do the frozen treats help cool the donkeys down, they also provide a valuable form of enrichment,” a charity spokesman said. “Donkeys are naturally curious and love exploring, and this activity allows them to exhibit their natural foraging behaviours – a key factor in improving donkey welfare.”
The spokesman added that it is vital also to provide the donkeys with clean water and shelter at all times.
“As the hot weather continues, donkeys as well as humans need to keep cool,” The Donkey Sanctuary’s Manchester centre manager Robina Melling told H&H. “Providing enrichment for our donkeys can also improve their mental wellbeing.”
Lisa Cooke, supervisor of the charity’s Woods Farm, added that the team likes to “go above and beyond for our donkeys during the hot weather to try to make them more comfortable”.
“Our dedicated staff make up the frozen treats with varied ingredients to encourage the donkeys to try out different flavours,” she said. “The ‘lollies’ are placed in shaded areas around the yards and fields, which encourages the donkeys’ natural behaviour while also keeping them cool.”
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