Rachel Fraser
Freelance writer
A features writer based in the West Midlands, Rachel wrote for a number of public sector organisations’ in-house magazines before going freelance. She has also written for national newspapers and lifestyle magazines on animal welfare issues. She is the proud owner of a quarter horse, Billy, traditional cob, Trooper, and miniature spotted pony, Hercules. She runs a small livery yard and enjoys all aspects of equestrianism, from Trec to eventing and more recently in-hand showing.
When is this year’s hay safe to feed to your horse?
Track living: the alternative horsey set-up
Four ways to enjoy an extra horsey Christmas
Fancy keeping your horses at home? Useful tips for building a stable yard
Designing your dream stable yard — expert tips on where to start
Grow your own horse treats: a guide for the green-fingered
Should I feed my horse hay over the summer?
Rachel Fraser speaks to Kirsten Holland, BVetMed(hons), MRCVS, of Paragon Veterinary Group and independent equine nutritionist, Clare MacLeod MSc RNutr, to find out more
Chubby companion? Six ideas to help exercise non-ridden horses
Here are six ideas to help exercise non-ridden horses who are healthy and sound enough to be exercised
Getting married this summer? Here’s how your horse can have a ‘mane’ role
Wherever you choose to get married, here’s how your horse can have play a part in your big day
A Christmas gift guide, as written by your horse
Here’s a tongue-in-cheek look at what we think could be on their Christmas wish list…
Not so sweet: sweet itch myths busted
With many owners battling sweet itch this summer, we speak to an expert to dispel some sweet-itch myths and find out how to best manage the condition
New to showing? 10 tips from the top to help get you going
Are you new to the show ring? Leading showing producers, owners and judges share their advice on how to get started, as told by Rachel Fraser