
H&H Asks: all-terrain horse boots

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  • WHEN H&H spotted Old Macs G2 Multi-Purpose All-Terrain Boots, and heard how many uses they had, we decided to investigate.

    How do they work?

    OLD Macs protect the hoof wall from damage and puncture, improve blood flow to the foot — inhibiting infection and speeding cell replacement — and allow unhindered horn growth and natural flexing of the joints during exercise. They are also designed to cushion the sole of the foot.

    What horses are they suitable for?

    THE cushioning effect makes them an ideal remedial treatment for horses with laminitis, Cushings Disease, navicular or crumbling feet.

    They are designed to be a tough alternative for horses who do not wear shoes, whether out of choice or because of a medical condition such as easily bruising soles or recovering from abcesses.

    They can be used for ridden work — both flatwork and jumping — and are also popular with endurance riders. The boot gives extra traction making them suitable for roadwork, hill work and riding on stony areas.

    Who uses them?

    HERTFORDSHIRE-based rider Loren Merrick started using Old Macs on her pony Charlie when he developed laminitis and found walking on concrete extremely painful. She improvised with homemade boots before discovering Old Macs on the internet.

    “He can’t be shod so at first I tried to attach all kinds of padding myself,” she says.

    “I ended up using an overreach boot to which I attached a padded sole.

    “When I bought the Old Macs it took him a while to get used to them — it was rather like when you put travelling boots on. I found them quite hard to secure round Charlie’s small feet but have used them ever since, although he has just managed to lose one in the field.”


    Price: £108 per pair
    New Equine Wear Tel: 01666 501960 www.newequinewear.com

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