International grand prix dressage rider Anna Ross on young horses, good horsemanship and the future of tack
It’s been an exciting few weeks for our breeding programme. Newton Feeling Good, the first son of my top ride Habouche (Holly), was recently approved as a stallion at the Oldenburg licensing in Germany. He was snapped up as a foal by Dutch Olympian Diederik van Silfhout, who produced him for this appearance.
Habouche is betrothed this year – by embryo transfer – to my other ride, Sezuans Donnerhall (Suzi), and there’s another top stallion who may soon join us.
Buying horses young is becoming increasingly popular in today’s challenging economic climate.
Seeing so many on the lunge at the stallion licensing, showcasing their natural movement, made me wonder: what qualities do people value most in young horses? Breeding for longevity seems obvious, and thankfully there was a noticeable absence of the long, sloping fetlocks we often saw a few years ago.
I’d swap a pretty head any day for short upright pasterns, powerful hindquarters and a well-set neck. After all, they all look beautiful with a rosette on! For me, natural cadence and confidence are essential.
Bold, inquisitive young horses tend to adapt more easily to new environments, staying relaxed and supple compared to their more nervous peers. While ridden movement shouldn’t come from tension, let’s face it – sometimes it does.
Even our riding school horses used to look Olympic-level for the first five minutes after being turned out following an extended period indoors. Likewise, when our stallions piaffe for a 10 in front of the dummy, they certainly aren’t relaxed.
So natural movement isn’t always free of tension, which begs the question what is natural, and should total relaxation be the ultimate goal in dressage?
The new noseband measuring device
We’ll need to find a new normal with the noseband measuring device coming in soon. I’m a fan of the gadget – it’s fair for everyone and removes ambiguity. Riders have received yellow cards for nosebands being too tight when they’ve been fitted in the same way throughout the season, so this offers much-needed clarity.
For as long as riders believe they’ll be marked down for any activity in the horse’s mouth, they’ll aim to present it as still. However, a clamped-shut mouth gives a horrible, dead feeling on the rein. Horses need freedom to move their jaws, swallow, and chomp on the bit.
Followers of natural horsemanship have long recognised that licking and chewing are signs of relaxation and the FEI rules now state the horse should “accept the bridle with a light and consistent soft submissive contact, thereby chewing the bit with a quiet, sensitive mouth”.
Clear guidance on acceptable movement would help, as the current directive is vague. I assume we’re not looking to resemble a cow chewing the cud or the equine equivalent of the Wrigley’s gum advert. Seminars and educational events could focus on defining what’s ideal.
Rethink tradition
Back when we wore yellow points on our tailcoats and white tape on our plaits, I was marked down in an international competition for my curb rein being too loose. It was deemed I didn’t demonstrate the acceptance of both the double bridle bits.
Personally, I think I just had my reins too long, but it sparked debate at a worldwide judges forum and it’d be interesting to revisit that debate in light of the evolution of the sport since.
In an experimental demo for Myler Bits riding in just a slip head with both Weymouth and snaffle bits individually – no noseband, browband or throatlash – most horses closed their mouths and seemed most comfortable in single Weymouth bits.
I understand at this point some traditionalists will be ripping up this copy of H&H in disgust, but in a lot of the idealised pictures of “ye olden days” many of the classical masters ride on the curb rein with long shanks.
The thought that the FEI might even consider bitless bridles will send those still in recovery from the thought of riding in snaffles into absolute freefall. But ultimately, there’s no universal right or wrong – horses react differently and should be treated as individuals.
In the end, it’s the overall impression of the horse – not the equipment – that should determine compliance with FEI welfare directives. Good horsemanship and feeling for the horse never go out of fashion.
● How do you think the future of tack will shape the sport? Let us know at, including your name, nearest town and country, for the chance for your letter to appear in a forthcoming issue of the magazine
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