
Police horses on the case, pregnant partners and other things the horse world is talking about

Horse & Hound’s daily debrief, brought to you every weekday morning

  • Officers on the hoof

    Forget high-speed car chases, all you need is two police horses and their riders. Gloucestershire Constabulary’s mounted branch recruits Kingsholme and Prestbury, with PCs HAstings and Walker, were on the case when a member of the public reported a driver who was drinking from what looked like a can of cider, behind the wheel. They surrounded the car, and the driver was stopped and breathalysed.

    Read more about the horses’ exploits

    Pregnant partners

    A pregnant rider who qualified her pregnant homebred mare for the Petplan Equine Summer Area Festival Championships joked “I don’t know if you’re allowed to have four of you in the arena at once!”

    Full-time equine vet Sam Cutts and her own Piccola Diavola came second in the inter I freestyle and inter I, at Field House and Onley equestrian centres.

    Sam is 27 weeks’ pregnant and “Holly” 15, so neither will compete at the finals in October, but Sam told H&H the area festival was “something to aim for”, for both of them.

    Find out more about this combination

    Education and challenging the status quo

    CHALLENGING the “status quo” and rider education are fundamental to the future of horse sport, experts believe. The involvement of horses in sport was discussed at the International Society for Equitation Science conference at Hartpury University (9–12 August).

    Researcher and FEI official Victoria Lewis said she is “very anxious and concerned” that equestrian sport could be dropped from the Olympics in future, adding: “I think we’re at the stage where we have the opportunity to make some really serious changes with the way we deal with our horses in a competitive environment,” said Ms Lewis.

    Understanding how horses learn is key

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