
Fire crew called to ‘horse’ stranded in flood find not entirely what was expected…

  • When the North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service control room was alerted to a horse stuck in flood water, the team leapt into action.

    The fire service, which has had to deal with numerous cars in a similar predicament this week after recent heavy rain, prepared to investigate what could have been a life and death situation, ready to do whatever necessary to save the stricken horse.

    And found it was a statue.

    “North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service has attended reports of a horse stuck in flood water near Ripon,” said group manager Bob Hoskins.

    Picture by British Canoeing

    “An officer trotted off to check out the situation and discovered a statue of a horse in the middle of the field. There was ‘neigh’ further assistance required on this occasion.”

    The metal sculpture, of a First World War soldier leading his horse, stands on land, usually, owned by British Canoeing. It was installed in 2018 as part of a series of sculptures in the area called Fields of Mud, Seeds and Hope, to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the war. Ripon was the site of one of the largest military camps in the country.

    The sculpture was left where it was, with no fear of harm to life or limb. Just possibly the minor risk of rust.

    On a serious note…

    If you see a horse that appears to be stranded in deep water, call the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999 with a time, date and location. If you own a horse who lives on ground at risk of flooding, call Floodline on 0845 9881188 for the latest flood warnings. It is recommended, if possible, that owners move their horses to higher ground if flooding is likely. Members of the public and horse owners are urged not to put their own lives in danger by attempting to rescue a horse from rising water. Doing so could result in added pressure on emergency services if the person is overcome by the rising water.

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