Enjoy some of our favourite updates from Twitter and Instagram during the past week. From special Olympic moments to a problem involving ducks, it all happened on social media this week.
Don’t miss the exciting competition on this weekly page. Our favourite tweet each week will win either an Apatchy mini tablet case or an Apatchy cosmetic bag, personalised with your own initials. For more information about the competition and to find out who this week’s winner is, go to the bottom of this page.
Tweets of the week
This is what realising you’ve won an Olympic team gold showjumping medal looks like
Nip Tuck’s owner couldn’t be happier with him
Charlotte Dujardin’s family raise a toast to her Olympic gold
The Irish eventing team dressage trainer, Ian Woodhead, managed to collect lots of Olympic souvenir cups (but surprisingly not any equestrian ones)
AP McCoy imagines Usain Bolt as a horse
Spencer Wilton tries his hardest to make Super Nova II smile
There was one hell of a welcome home party for Michael Jung
Kerstin Hoffmann
A lot of smiling faces again ? The official welcome of Michael Jung & his family at Altheim. The link to the gallery: http://eventing-art.com/michael-jung-empfang-altheim-2016/
Harry Meade encounters some very rural commuting issues
And congratulations to this week’s Tweet of the Week winner
When the arena party at the Olympics comes in to level the arena
If you like this, why not follow @horseandhound on twitter today?
Tweet of the week competition
The winner of the Horse & Hound tweet of the week competition can also be found by searching Twitter for #HHTweetOfTheWeek. The winner will receive an Apatchy mini tablet case (pictured left) or an Apatchy cosmetic bag (pictured below right), personalised with their initials.
Apatchy are designers and makers of bespoke lifestyle gifts. Their ranges include wash, cosmetic, travel and sports bags, which can be instantly personalised or customised without the need for sewing, gluing or ironing. To find out more about Apatchy’s unique personalised products and their wonderful gift wrapping service, visit www.apatchy.co.uk