
Search is on for SJ talent

  • The BSJA is launching a new three-stage scheme to find Britain’s up and coming show jumping talent

    A new training and talent spotting scheme is being launched by the British Show Jumping Association to give more people a chance to get to the top.

    There are three parts to the new scheme:

  • Bronze area training and assessment days open to all BSJA members. These are expected to start soon.

  • Silver regional training andselection days for those selected at the bronze stage and those referred directly by a BSJA coach. Ten two-day sessions should take place next February and March.

  • National gold scheme regular training days with approved trainers.

    The schemeis the brainchild of the BSJA’s director of coaching, Nicky Fuller.

    “In the past we’ve only had limited area training and odd national training days,” she said. “We’re hoping this new scheme will create a pathway for new talent and a way in which we can identify people and help take them to the top.

    “But this is only part of the jigsaw for Britain’s show jumping prospects. We also need better competitions in this country and better breeding policy.”

    For more information contact BSJA (tel: 01584 841231) or visit www.bsja.co.uk

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