
Immaculate plaits, perfect beds and marvellous muck heaps: 7 pictures that will make you want to up your horsey game

  • When the H&H team saw this impeccably neat bed (pictured, above), we were seriously impressed and decided to ask our talented readers for pictures of their impressive horsey feats. From amazing plaits to marvellous muck heaps, this perfectionist bunch is taking equestrian standards to another level…

    1. Perfect plaits

    Pauldary’s Choccywoccydoodah sports flawless plaits while competing at Hickstead Dressage with Nicola Jarvis.

    2. Tidy tackroom

    Sammy Luff keeps her tack room gleaming and totally matchy matchy, with blue bit guards, bridle hooks, headcollars and covers.

    3. Mighty muck heap

    Emily Dimmond shared this picture of a mighty muck heap.

    “This was the muck heap when I was an equestrian student at Duchy College,” she told H&H. “It always looked like this and anyone who was on muck heap duty took great pride in their ridiculously neat muck heap.”

    4. A place for everything

    Technically not a reader submission, but we’re totally in awe of producer Jo Bates’ incredibly tidy tack room — just look at those nicely folded rugs. Of course our horsey gear is kept like this too…

    5. Spotless shavings

    Kate Coates posted this spotless bed. “Shame my horse trashed it within five seconds of being in,” she said.

    6. Magnificent mane

    Aleisha Hillier-Davies may be a relatively novice plaiter, but we’re impressed by her skills.I’ve not been plaiting for long — eight months — but I’ve been trying my best,” she said.

    Continued below…

    7. Beautiful bridles

    Sean Vard shows off his spotless bridles and bits.

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