
Poplars dressage results, 5 November

  • Elem 43 (R Hillier). – 1, Jaffa (M Hallows) 68.27; 2, Ponds Peter Pan (N Haycroft) 65.51. rest.– 1, The Alchemist (B Allen) 64.48; 2, Crackford Comet (H Love) 64.13; 3, The Gingerbread Man (V Salisbury) 63.79. elem 48Q.– 1, Rhiannon (P Childerhouse) 67.93; 2, Jaffa 62.75. rest.– 1, The Gingerbread Man 63.1; 2, The Alchemist 62.06; 3, Designer Bay (A Barber) 58.96. med 75Q.– 1, Rhiannon 64.59; 2, Indianna Express (L Fielder) 59.72.

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