
Horse & Hound Online on top

  • An independent survey of equestrian websites reveals Horse & Hound Online as the most commonly used site

    More people log on to Horse & Hound Online than any other equestrian site,according to recent research carried out by Harper Adams University College, near Newport in Shropshire.

    Horse & Hound Online was rated the most commonly used site with 31% of votes, ahead of the BHS (27%) and Equestria.net (16%).

    Ninety-sixper cent of respondents found equine websites to be useful and informative and were satisfied with the service they were getting.

    The total annual expenditure on items associated with keeping horses and their riders is estimated to be in the region of £2,500 million, according to the survey.

    An increasing number of horse owners are buying online, it says, but, like the general population, many prefer traditional shopping.

    The tendency is “to use the internet to research goods and services”, although the survey found the percentage of horse owners buying equine goods and services over the internet (42%) was higher than the population as a whole (30%).

    The survey also shows more men (59%) buy online than women (37%), despite three-quarters of horse owners and riders being female. The group most likely to buy online were in the 20-39 age group.

    The survey, which targeted owners at shows and event this year, is described as the first to look at British-based equestrian sites.

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