
49 horses injured and 11 killed since 2010: the real cost of fireworks *warning: graphic images*

  • A petition calling for a ban on the public use of fireworks has topped 104,500 signatures in five weeks.

    As a result, a parliamentary debate has been set for Monday 29 January at 4.30pm.

    The petition was started by Julie Doorne, who set up the 2015 petition that also attracted more than 100,000 signatures. This led to a debate in parliament last year, but MPs decided that no change to the law was needed.

    The news follows reports of a number of incidents caused by fireworks involving horses.

    The British Horse Society (BHS) had 25 incidents including four injuries reported to it over the weekend of 4-5 November.

    Since 2010, 168 firework-related incidents have been reported to the BHS including 49 injured horses and 11 equine fatalities.

    The BHS is urging people to think before lighting fireworks near horses and other animals.

    Alan Hiscox, director of safety at the British Horse Society, said: “These figures are just the tip of the iceberg and in reality the number of horses injured or even killed is much higher.

    “Fireworks may be fun for humans, but we don’t want horses to go through trauma or distress.

    “We urge anyone who is planning on setting off fireworks now, or next Bonfire Night, to reconsider.

    “At the very least, give horse owners in the area prior warning and listen to their concerns”.

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    Rachel Taylor’s mare Willow (below) is recovering from severe injuries sustained when she fled on to a main road into the path of an oncoming car after she was frightened by fireworks.

    Credit: Oakham Veterinary Hospital

    “Willow has experienced the most traumatic time of her life when there was no need for the pain, suffering and tragedy due to people’s negligence,” she said.

    *Warning: graphic image behind link*

    “Many people enjoy fireworks over Bonfire Night and the new year but people fail to realise the effects they have on livestock, owners finances and repercussions when they are used by the general public.”

    Click here to view the petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/201947

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