
Fireworks blamed for tragic stampede

  • A rescue centre in Yorkshire is urging more care in the use of fireworks after two horses suffer horrific injuries when they took fright and escaped from their field

    The ThornberryAnimal Sanctuary at Worksop in Yorkshire is making an urgent appeal for funds following an accident involving two of its horses.

    The horses, Robbie and Blake, were among 10 which took fright and broke out of their field after it’s thought that fireworks were set off in the area. The incident occurred almost two weeks before the official Bonfire Night.

    One of the horses suffered serious chest injuries after colliding with a car, the other will probably lose one eye.

    Groom Rachel Ward helped to find the horses after being alerted by a member of the public at around 7am.

    “We’ve seen and heard fireworks being set off in this area in the past few weeks and they seem much louder than last year,” said Rachel

    We’re not against organised firework displays because then we know when to bring the horses in.

    “We’re just against this kind of thoughtlessness with people letting them off at any time and any place.”

    The sanctuary is totally reliant on charitable donations and now needs urgent funds to meet the vet’s bills.

    “The five-year-old, Blake, nearly bled to death when he collided with the car,” explains Rachel. “Apparently he was stunned at the time of the accident, but then got up and ran off. That was around 5am. We found him and Robbie – who’s in his 20s – on the main road hours later. They’re lucky to be alive.”

    The woman driver of the car had to be cut out of her car, but was unhurt.

    Donations for the appeal should go to: Thornberry Animal Sanctuary, The Stable, Todwick Rd, North Anston, Nr. Sheffield, Yorkshire, SW25 3SE.

    For more information visit www.thornberry.animal.org.uk

    Read more firework related stories:

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