Enjoy some of our favourite updates from equestrian social media channels during the past week. From some amazing rear-facing jumping to a super-cool Shetland, it all happened on social media this week.
Don’t miss the exciting competition on this weekly page. Our favourite tweet each week will win either an Apatchy mini tablet case or an Apatchy cosmetic bag, personalised with your own initials. For more information about the competition and to find out who this week’s winner is, go to the bottom of this page.
Equestrian social media posts of the week
What a cool dude
Just chillin ?…. ??
Posted by Samantha Morrison Dressage on Tuesday, May 22, 2018
When you’re sat on a real life fire-breathing dragon (aka, a young horse at its first ever show)
When you really want to go and play but don’t want to get rained on…
When dressage horse try cross-country…
If it’s good enough for Charlotte though…
Will ski goggles catch on?
Don’t try this at home!
The H&H Festival of Eventing was a beauty
And congratulations to this week’s Social Media Post of the Week winner
Fair play to this super-genuine horse and to its rider for staying on board
If you like this, why not follow @horseandhound on twitter today?
Tweet of the week competition
The winner of the Horse & Hound tweet of the week competition can also be found by searching Twitter for #HHTweetOfTheWeek. The winner will receive an Apatchy mini tablet case (pictured left) or an Apatchy cosmetic bag (pictured below right), personalised with their initials.
Apatchy are designers and makers of bespoke lifestyle gifts. Their ranges include wash, cosmetic, travel and sports bags, which can be instantly personalised or customised without the need for sewing, gluing or ironing. To find out more about Apatchy’s unique personalised products and their wonderful gift wrapping service, visit www.apatchy.co.uk