
7 fashion crimes most horse riders have made at some point – but do we care?

  • Even if you classify yourself as a fashionista who has their finger on the pulse when it comes to the latest trends, style may go out of the window at times when you have horses. After all, you’re having to deal with hay, mud, straw, shavings, and all the rest. We’re yet to meet an equestrian who has their image in check 24/7, even if they’re proud to be known as the most stylish person on the yard.

    Here are some fashion faux pas that most equestrians will have made from time to time.

    1. Socks over any type of trousers

    Arguably the main way to spot a horsey person in the wild; a pair of trousers with long yard socks pulled up over the top of them. Bonus points if you team the look with a pair of short jodhpur boots. There isn’t a style of legwear that an equestrian won’t pull a sock up over, it’s just so darn comfy and practical.

    2. Unique tan lines

    “I’ll just poo pick the field quickly, I’m sure I won’t burn.” Famous last words. Every equestrian can recall the moment when they returned home from the yard to realise that their skin resembles a ripe tomato. The negligence of forgetting to wear SPF, even for just a short time, while at the stables will impact your outfit choices for the rest of the year unless you’re happy to proudly display your dodgy tan lines.

    3. Excessive glitter use

    If you’re over the age of 16 then it’s time to work on leaving behind your glitter phase. We get it, a bit of added bling is fun, but that glitter spray you coat your show jacket in prior to an evening performance or the huge diamante-encrusted blingy browband you use for dressage outings is a little bit OTT when you’re schooling at home or going out for a hack. Keep it for those special occasions instead.

    4. Hay in your hair

    You’ve popped into the yard to do a quick skip out or other minor task on your way to meet friends or a work appointment, and wonder why you’re getting funny looks. Top tip, take a hair brush with you and have a quick check for rogue bits of hay, straw or bedding in your hair and on your clothes to avoid this particular situation.

    5. Clothing with holes

    If you want to test the durability of a material, give it to a horsey person. Our clothing has to withstand a lot of friction, and nibbles from big sets of teeth. Ultimately holes, tears and rips will develop at some point, but that doesn’t mean clothing has to be thrown out – it just becomes part of our ‘only for the yard’ wardrobe instead.

    6. Reflective gear

    Neon clothing goes in and out of the mainstream fashion scene, but it’s a 24/7 thing for equestrians. The brighter and more garish, the better. #safetyfirst

    7. Too much horse-themed stuff

    Perhaps a controversial one but have you ever stepped out of the house and realised that you’re wearing horse bit loafers, a shirt with horses printed on it, your gold horseshoe necklace and a pair of leggings that could pass as jodhpurs. And don’t forget about your unicorn socks…

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