With a clear determination to make women’s workwear more practical, 3 Donkeys has found their niche and made a name for themselves by selling the only 2-into-1 ladies coveralls on the market. Designed by women, for women, 3 Donkeys’ success comes down to making practical and adaptable coveralls that are functional, feminine – and just a little bit fabulous.
With two sets of ladies’ coveralls – the Classic and the Dartmoor – both feature the innovative 2-into-1 design. Consisting of a jacket and trouser, they can be joined at the waist for full coverall protection or unzipped for fast and easy removal, and worn separately whenever you need to.
While the Dartmoor coverall is best suited for wetter autumn and winter outdoor work – its ventile fabric giving full windproof, rainproof, and water repellent weather protection – it’s the lightweight, polycotton fabric of the Classic which is perfect for spring and summer weather.
From mucking out stables to grooming and polishing duties at trials and competitions, the hard wearing Classic coverall is designed to be worn outdoors as long as it’s dry, or under cover if it’s raining, keeping your clothes and event gear clean and protected.
While 3 Donkeys ladies coveralls are essential wear for any yard and stable work or equestrian events, they also have a cool range of apparel to go with them. Among other accessories available, the 3 Donkeys branded t-shirt and baseball cap will keep you cool and effortlessly stylish wherever you are.
Visit www.3donkeys.co.uk to see their complete range and more information.