
What’s new: Equine riding mask

  • Flies, gnats and other flying insects can make our horses’ lives hell during the spring and summer months. Fly masks for use while horses are grazing have been around for some time but effective relief from buzzing creatures while exercising has been limited to fly fringes and the liberal application of fly repellent.

    Equilibrium, the company which has introduced a range of highly successful, innovative products on to the market in recent years, has come up with another to solve this problem — the Net Relief Riding Mask.

    The mesh mask attaches to the bridle with simple Velcro fastenings to protect the horse from flies and the harmful effects of sunlight, which can also cause discomfort. The mask does not impair the horse’s vision so it can be used while hacking or schooling, fits well clear of the eyes, eyelashes and face and is an ideal alternative to a fly fringe.

    Available in pony, cob and horse sizes, in black mesh with either a fluorescent or black trim, the mask costs around £15.

    For more information contact (tel: 01296 682681) or visit: www.equilibriumproducts.com

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