Med 61 (M McGinley).— 1 & 2, Maximillian Minker 70 & Jumping Fox (D Randall) 68.27; 3, Porloe Elvin (L Weigersma) 64.6. med 75.— 1, Jefferson (C Strange) 71.03; 2, Vay Tokay (L Weigersma) 69.72; 3, Maximillian Minker 68.18. rest.— 1, Sollazzare (S Watson) 66.22; 2, Giotto III (N Seale) 65.13; 3, Priddy Cornish (K Nicholas) 62.7. med fsm.— 1, Maximillian Minker 68.12; 2, Donnerstag (S Hedderley) 64.53; 3, My Last Chance (P Spurrier) 62.96. adv med 98Q (S Bartholomew).— 1, Jefferson 71.31; 2, Alando (C Deithrick) 66.05; 3, Simon Porloe (L Weigersma) 65.26. rest.— 1, Casual Blonde (L French) 68.9; 2, Parceval S (C Ward) 67.63; 3, Diego Valesques (D Mills) 63.42. adv med fsm.— 1, The Mighty Quinn (G Wood) 67.83; 2, Donnerstag 66; 3, Callico (D Randall) 65.83. pyo.— 1, Sovereign Marque (J Fullick) 66.57; 2, Casual Blonde 65.62; 3, Parceval S 64.38. nov 22 (J Green).— 1, Tomooray (H West) 70.34; 2, Woodfalls Comet (L Weigersma) 68.27; 3, Rilla Meyln (S Ross) 67.57. rest.— 1, Theo V (S Davies) 70.34; 2, Bodieve Jester (K Deithrick) 66.55; 3, Vic Dor (R Cullen) 66.21. nov 38Q (S Olsen Bedding).— 1, Tomooray 68.71; 2, Diamintina (T Henwood) 68.06; 3, Rilla Meyln 67.09. rest.— 1, Theo V 66.45; 2, Whizard (S Bridgey) 64.52; 3, Vic Dor 64.52. elem 45.— 1, Wish Upon A Star (L Weigersma) 65.52; 2, Blamey Banker (S Stones) 62.76; 3, Jumbo’s Girl (L Weigersma) 62.77. rest.— 1, Hyperion Chantilly Lady (K Dennis) 66.21; 2, Sunrising Apollo (C Graves) 63.79; 3, Donnerdoni (J Milton) 62.07. elem fsm (N Du Plessis).— 1, Diamintina 70.42; 2, Camargo (S Campbell) 67.08. rest.— 1, Windance (S Cullen) 74.58; 2 & 3, Midnight Diamond 69.58 & Midnight Sparkle (B Shaw) 67.08. elem 58Q.— 1 & 2, Wish Upon A Star 65 & Jumbo’s Girl (L Weigersma) 63.2; 3, Camargo 61.25. rest.— 1, Donnerdoni 65; 2, Blamey Banker 63.44; 3, Hyperion Chantilly Lady 60.83. prelim 19Q (B Powell).— 1, Zacato (K Nicholas) 58.64; 2, Rush Job (H West) 58.18. rest.— 1eq, SOS Artemis Z & SOS Talented Mr Ripley (Z Andrew) 67.73; 3, SOS Top Osiris (P Pavley) 59.09. nov 35.— 1, Vito Morka 72.69; 2, Tomooray 68.85; 3, Midnight Solitaire (B Shaw) 65.77. rest.— 1, Fairways Lord Of The Ring (S Rowcliffe) 71.15; 2, Galvano’s Revenge (K Bland) 66.54; 3, Wednesday (J Cragg) 66.15. nov fsm (T Cowie).— 1, SOS Talented Mr Ripley 71.11; 2, Ingliston Whotnot (S Chaplin) 67.22; 3, Midnight Diamond 62.22. rest.— 1, Wednesday 70.55; 2, Prospect’s Diamond (M Trethewey) 66.95. nov 37Q.— 1, Tomooray 70.36; 2, SOS Talented Mr Ripley 69.28; 3, Vito Morka 68.9. erst.— 1, Mac The Knife (K Palmer) 68.21; 2, Prospect Diamond 65.71; 3, Darby’s Knap (S Rowcliffe) 65.76.