80cm.– 1, Dreamcatcher Her (C Watters); 2, Billy By Design (L McCourt). 90cm national amateur.– 1, Jellibean Tt (R Beattie); 2, Copper V (L Halil); 3, Extreem VD Neerheide (L Urquhart). KBIS British novice.– 1, Mr Ferryman (L Anderson); 2, W Oscar (H Laughlan); 3, Lurgan Du Carel (S Linford). 1m national amateur.– 1, Irish Law (H Laughlan); 2, Umoristico (I Thomson); 3, Beethoven (S Macdougall). 1m. -1, Umoristico; 2, Kirkton Hugo. pony beginners stakes.– 1&2, Misty Meg & Bee Bop A Lula (K Beattie); 3, Sandstrom III (I Cresswell). pony 80cm.– 1, Jester IV (H Lyndsay); 2, Bee Bop A Lula; 3, Swannieston Belle Of The Ball (O Coia). Shaw Farm tiny Tots.– 1, Little Lord Of The Hills (V Selby); 2, Broowells Stormaker (S Greig). Independent Asset Management pony progressive/1m.– 1, Applejack RB (M Thompson); 2, Lennon Princess (A McLean); 3, Picatchu (H Blackie). Graham Heath Construction 128/138 h’cap.– 1&2, Madonna & Tatty Desire (A McLean); 3, Cambrian Chance (A Stormonth). AJ Walter Aviation pony adventurer.– 1, Stars Surprise (J Brown); 2, Laraghmore Martin (F Kerr); 3, Glenesky Touch (PJ Williams). Squibb Demolition pony Foxhunter/1.10m.– 1, Stars Surprise; 2, Laraghmore Martin; 3, La Viva (A Black). Mandy Hall 1.15m members cup.– 1, Paddioco (A Black); 2, Killyfassey Freddie (J Weir); 3, Sylvester 60 (A Noble).