
Pyecombe Jumping Festival showjumping results, 2-5 August 2012

  • Autostop 1.05m adventurer.– 1, Sweet Bertha (C Foreman); 2, Unbelievable Jewel (N Pavitt); 3, Unbelievable Lady (L Pavitt). 1.0m.– 1, Bonnie II (N Waring); 2, Datana (C Flack); 3, Kirsch (M Garry). Scope 1.5m members’ cup.– 1, Kirsch; 2, State Side (C de Verteuil); 3, Little Luidam (E Popely). H&H Foxhunter.– 1 & 3, Our Duchess & Contessa IV (N Pavitt); 2, Arash (L Pavitt). 1.20m.– 1 & 3, Lys No Doubt & Tammys Girl (L Long); 2, Foxglade Little Lady (A Bradstock). Scope 1.30m.– 1, Caretino Glory (L Pavitt); 2, Cairo Z II (E Reeves); 3, Zeppeling (N Pavitt). KBIS Insurance British novice.– 1, No Ones Fool (A Boyce); 2 & 3, Delightful Caretino & Truly Believe (L Pavitt). Katherine James 1.0m.– 1 & 2, Delightful Caretino & Inspector VD Donkhoeve (L Pavitt); 2, Go Go Roxy (B O’Malley). 95cm Derby.– 1, Riverside Glen (R Pearson); 2, Little X (J Moore); 3, Caretino’s Dolly (J Cornwell). 1.0m.– 1, Puidam (T Pearson); 2, Caretino’s Dolly; 3, Riverside Glen. 1.05m.– 1, Kidam Du Hequet (T Peason); 2, Limestone Diamond (H Cruden). South of England YR Q.– 1, Doctor Concorde (L Pheasant); 2, Orky II (S Gregory); 3, Papillon II (C Breban). Tri-Airlite discovery.– 1, Unbelievable Lady (L Pavitt); 2, Kings Welcome (N Braidwood); 3, Quick Star Cupido (N Morrell). EquestrianClearance.com newcomers.– 1, Charming III (N Pavitt); 2, Glory De Reve (L Pavitt); 3, Hambrook’s First Lady (J Randall). 1.10m.– 1, Ureca (K Ford); 2, Ouagadougou (A Smallman); 3, Dutsy Van Het Hek (R Pointer). H&H Foxhunter.– 1 & 3, Casall De Revel & Sebastians Dream (L Pavitt); 2, Radento (L Declerk). 1.20m.– 1 & 2, Torinto VD Middelstede (P Goddard); 3, By Chance III (A Peruzzi-Smith). Stoner Jewellers ladies ch.– 1, Arash; 2, Plise (P Goddard); 3, Caloundra VD Koekoek (A Cole). 1.40m.– 1, Touchable (J Drea); 2, Billy Laden (W Funnell); 3, Jericho (C Flack). 4yo.– 1, Cracking Question (S Penn); 2, Diamant De Lux (A Beck). KBIS Insurance British novice.– 1, Unbelievable Magic (A Boyce); 2, Five Carat (N Braidwood); 3, Portes Princess (L Jones). 90cm amateur.– 1, Fair Flight (R Daneker); 2, Riverside Glen; 3, Silvana 5 (S O’Leary). 1m amateur.– 1, Go Go Roxy; 2, Out Of The Blue (L Weller); 3, Silvana 5. 1.05m.– 1, Berwick St James (L Long); 2, Kidam Du Hequet (T Pearson); 3, Go Go Roxy. 1.10m.– 1, Eclipse VI (R Danecker); 2, Berwick St James; 3, Index II (H Polley). 1m.– 1, FI Monami D’Odeigne (G Keen); 2, Kidam Du Hequet; 3, Go Go Roxy. Tri-Airlite Discovery 2nd rnd.– 1, Venus UK (C Foreman); 2, Chill Me (L Stoner); 3, Bullards Foreign Money (L Declerk). JB Arena ch.– 1, Watinka (J Moore); 2, Kirsch (M Garry); 3, Trendsetter Teranimo (R Keevil). national 1.30m.– 1 & 2, Caretino Glory & Arash; 3, Billy Mexico (W Funnell). S of E Travelling Wire YR ch.– 1, Chantilly 16 (A Palmer); 2, Carel Cruise (A Hudson-Smith); 3, Hero Z (L Simmons). KBIS Insurance British novice.– 1, Zordanka B (L Long); 2, Miss Naughty But Nice (R Davidson); 3, Don D (P Wratten). Tri-Airlite discovery.– 1, Zordanka B; 2, Truly Believe; 3, Zennyfee (S Gregory). EquestrianClearance.com newcomers.– 1 & 3, Darclando & Lord Nederland (L Pavitt); 2, Baron Blue Corrado (L Bray). 95cm.– 1, Holloway Flying Solo ( C Mills); 2, Fair Flight (R Danecker); 3, Riverside Glen. 1m amateur.– 1, Vite Etoile (N Braidwood); 2, Lucia (L Miller); 3, Chamonix (M McMillan). 1m Derby.– 1, Riverside Glen; 2, Baroness (L Walker); 3, Pauldarys Mistique (S Smith). 1m.– 1, Kirsch; 2, Pageant Prince (P Stronge); 3, Agrando V (H Taylor). HOYS 1.20m amateur classic.– 1, Chantilly 16; 2, Datana (C Flack); 3, Rebles Pride (C O’Bryan). Steveson Jewellers grade C.– 1, Lord Nederland; 2, Vesta Z (J Pasetti); 3, Lord Advocate (L Craker). Kingsland Pyecombe gp.– 1 & 2, Duc D’Arsouilles & Caretino Glory; 3, Annie Oakley II (B McCaul). intro 80cm.– 1, Okehurst Firecracker (H Breban); 2, Adamstown Fionn (O Painter); 3, Big Time George (L Lodge). Manhattan ch.– 1, Fair Flight (R Danecker); 2, Silvana 5; 3, Puidam. KBIS Insurance British novice.– 1, Darco Valley (L Ashdown); 2, Out Of The Blue (L Weller); 3, Darco Truly (L Pavitt). Pyecombe novice ch.– 1, No Ones Fool (A Boyce); 2, Adamstown Fionn; 3, Unbelievable Magic. 1m.– 1, Papillion III; 2 & 3, Lady Socarno & Buddaire (B McCaul). Clip Clop Traders sml open ch.– 1, Kidam Du Hequet; 2 & 3, Golden Girl IV & Mayes Park Flynn (E Jeary).

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