
NAGS Club bulletin: 6 February

  • Have your say

  • Former international dressage groom Lucy Katan will be speaking about the pressures associated with life as a groom at the National Equine Forum at The Royal Veterinary College, London on 27 March.

    Lucy is interested in talking to former grooms about why they didn’t continue in this field. She is also interested in hearing about any work-associated problems from grooms still working in the industry.

    If you wish to contribute your views, e-mail: kerry_bowness@ipcmedia.com All responses will be treated in the strictest confidence.

    Nominate an expert

  • Horse & Hound Online is inviting NAGS members to choose the type of “expert” they wantto quiz. You may be having problems with a horse at work and need the advice of a behaviourist, or maybe you are writing an assignment for college and need the help of someone from a particular field, such as nutrition.

    E-mail your requests, including your NAGS membership number, to: kerry_bowness@ipcmedia.com

    NAGS “ask the expert” is only available to members, who will be advised of forthcoming experts via the NAGS weekly online bulletin.

  • If you have any news or information you think would make a story for the NAGS weekly bulletin, please e-mail details to: kerry_bowness@ipcmedia.com

    Become a member

    Membership of NAGS is free to all bona fide grooms and students. Benefits include: Horse & Hound subscription at £1 per copy, £3 discount voucher on a sack of Blue Chip Dynamic, 10% discount on Splash Equestrian equipment and clothing, no P&P charges from Equestrian Vision mail order and eligibility for NAGS-only competitions and offers.

    If you are interested in becoming a member write to: NAGS, Room 2018, Kings Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London SE1 9LS (tel: 020 7261 6993), or e-mail: nags@ipcmedia.com

    And remember, the club is open to all students, not just those studying for an equine qualification.

    The weekly online NAGS bulletin is brought to you in association with Blacup Training Group
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