
Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius

  • The year ahead

    LIBRA (24 September – 23 October)

    Harmonious, luxury loving Librans find it impossible to make up their minds. Deciding on which horse to buy presents endless possibilities that the balanced Libran mind finds difficult to endure. Their good taste and love of beautiful things ensures that their homes are delightful; they also make for great hosts. They enjoy working as part of a team, thriving where they feel they’re an essential component in a group. They are often found organising parties and social occasion.

    2003 highlights

    The year ahead will be a bit of a roller coaster. There’s a high point around the end of April involving a show jumping event overseas. You will win a class or competition at this time putting you firmly in the limelight. However excessive rules and regulations will drain you in the first week in November -you’ll feel creatively stifled. Things look up again at the end of the year when a group endeavour will receive critical acclaim.

    SCORPIO (24 October – 22 November)

    Intense, refined, strong-willed Scorpions enjoy the discipline and precision involved in dressage events. They appreciate the skill of eventing and the precision of show jumping. They prefer to take part in events as individuals as they are quite private characters that keep themselves to themselves. Scorpios are highly intelligent people that appreciate the grace and majesty of their animals, they own few but take their welfare seriously.

    2003 highlights

    A long period of training will end in May when you get the chance to put your new found skills into action. Far flung destinations beckon and you’ll receive an invitation in late August to a rather grand social occasion. Your disciplined approach will pay off and put you in the spotlight in September. Although you might find the added attention a little daunting, secretly you’ll be as pleased as punch.

    SAGITTARIUS (23 November – 21 December)

    As the sign associated with horses, Sagittarians obviously enjoy a natural affinity with them. These are boisterous, somewhat unpredictable characters than employ a philosophical outlook on life. Their constant need for stimulation means they love travelling. Sagittarians are natural sportsmen – they play to take part rather than to win. Not the most elegant sign in the zodiac, their tendency towards clumsiness gets them into all sorts of sticky situations. Their love of freedom and independence means they’re natural born riders.

    2003 highlights

    The second week in February will be a particularly favourable period for makinga large purchase. Your instincts will be spot-on during this period and you’ll discover a secret admirer at a horse show. After a period of hard work and tough training you’ll be rewarded financially in June. A face from the past brings inspiring news in October, but humour is advised in this situation.

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