FIELD HOUSE EC Staffs, 12 January
psg (J Peberdy) 1, Watson 108 (S Makin) 72.5; 2, Just The Job (K Sleath) 67.25; 3, Morris (D Thickett) 66.25. adv 100 (J Peberdy) 1, Gingerly Does It (A Smith) 69.69; 2, Just The Job 68.13; 3, Morris 60.94.
FIELD HOUSE EC Staffs, 12 January
psg (J Peberdy) 1, Watson 108 (S Makin) 72.5; 2, Just The Job (K Sleath) 67.25; 3, Morris (D Thickett) 66.25. adv 100 (J Peberdy) 1, Gingerly Does It (A Smith) 69.69; 2, Just The Job 68.13; 3, Morris 60.94.