
Woman recycling rosettes into soft furnishings

  • We’ve had wrapping paper made from pony poo. Now meet the woman who is recycling rosettes into soft furnishings.

    Showing enthusiast Dawn Trimarco was moved to start her business by the sight of her “vast collection” of rosettes gathering dust.

    Dawn posted pictures of the cushions she had created on Facebook and soon friends began sending her their sashes.

    “I’m receiving packages every couple of days now and am working flat out,” said Dawn.

    She can make bedspreads, throws and wall hangings and there are plans for bunting and tote bags.

    And she has some famous clients, having just taken delivery of a parcel of sashes won by four-times coloured horse of the year The Humdinger.

    But there’s one downside to business being so brisk.

    Dawn’s own rosettes — many won by her small hunter Toncynffig Lord Harding — are still languishing in her tackroom.

    Prices from £35 for a cushion. To contact Dawn, tel: 07787 030906 or email hotdogjumpingfrog@live.co.uk.

    This news story was first published in the current issue of H&H (1 November 2012)

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