If having your photograph in Horse & Hound is something you thought you could only ever dream about, then think again.
The magazine is introducing a new “winners’ gallery” on its show report pages for the 2004 showing season, giving showing enthusiasts the chance to see themselves in the most prestigious equestrian magazine in Britain.
The magazine will be publishing pictures from shows around the country, including photographs from shows that it has been unable to cover.
Individuals who would like to take advantage of this unique opportunity should send their photographs to Nicola Jane Swinney, Shows Editor, Horse & Hound, Room 2018, King’s Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London SE1 9LS.
All photographs should be accompanied by the horse/pony and rider’s names, what they won and where, plus who took the photograph for copyright purposes. It will be unable to print pictures without this information.
Unfortunately the magazine cannot guarantee that all pictures will be used, nor that they will be returned, although it will do its best to send them back to you.