Sam Hunnable, the wife of former Olympic event rider Chris, has died after a 22-year battle with cancer. She died on 5 May, aged 50.
“She was the driving force for all the family’s equestrian ambitions,” said Mr Hunnable, chairman of British Eventing’s sports committee.
Sam produced several event horses to three-star and a mare to grade A showjumping. She was still competing in February.
“She had an inexhaustible enthusiasm for competition,” added Mr Hunnable. “Even her illness didn’t stop her. She lived life to the full.”
The couple, who had been married 24 years, have two daughters, Lucy, 16, and Zara, 13.
A funeral for her family only will take place on Thursday (16 May). This will be followed by a remembrance service for all those who wish to attend at Dedham Church, Essex, at 2.30pm.