
Horsewatch scheme introduced across county of Suffolk

  • Suffolk Police launched Horsewatch countywide at the Suffolk Show, 27 and 28 May, with the aim of reducing rural and equine crime.

    Running in mid Suffolk since September 2008, Horsewatch is now being extended by Suffolk Police to cover the whole county. The force intends to provide a network of information and support to all horse owners and riders.

    “The aim of Horsewatch is to reduce the risk of equestrian-related crime by members being aware of the security measures they can take to protect their property,” said Julie Dennis of the Community Safety Unit.

    Membership to Suffolk Horsewatch is free, and people are being encouraged to join, and establish co-operation in the equestrian community by passing on and receiving useful information to assist with crime prevention.

    Members will be given the option to join the Police Direct messaging service, which enables them to receive up-to-date communications by either e-mail, text or voice recorded telephone messages, on community and equestrian crimes, as well as other information of potential relevance.

    “As a horse owner I would urge equestrians to look closely at their security and postcode all of their equipment which, in the first instance will make their property undesirable to steal and secondly make it easier to identify should it be stolen and subsequently recovered,” Julie added.

    Everyone is welcome to join the scheme — you do not need to own a horse to get involved.

    For more information visit: www.suffolkpolice.uk and follow links to Horsewatch, or contact Julie Dennis of the Community Safety Unit, e-mail: horsewatch@suffolk.pnn.police.uk or tel: 01473 613994

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