The Countryside Alliance has issued car stickers bearing the figure 407,791 – the number who marched in London on 22 September
The Countryside Alliance has launched a car sticker bearing the number 407,791, the number of marchers counted on the Liberty & Livelihood March on 22nd September, along with the phrase “And I was one of them!“
The Alliance launched this sticker, which costs £1, to raise funds following the march and is encouraging those who took part to purchase and display a sticker in each of their vehicles.
Chief executive Richard Burge commented, “This sticker serves two purposes: it allows those who marched to display the fact and to be proud of the contribution they have made to the future of rural Britain.
“It will also raise essential funds for the Alliance, so that we can continue our work and consolidate the positive steps forward we have taken since 22 September.”
“I would urge everyone who was there to keep up the momentum we achieved that day and display a sticker.”
Each vinyl car sticker measures 210 x 100mm. Send a donation of £1 or more along with a SAE to: 407791 Sticker, Countryside Alliance, PO Box 313, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 2WA.
Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to “Countryside Alliance”. Any coins should be taped onto a piece of cardboard. Orders received without an A4 SAE enclosed will not be dispatched.
For more information click here to visit the Alliance’s website.
Read more about the Countryside Alliance: