Enjoy the H&H team's top tweets from the equestrian twitterverse this week
Out galloping. Stopped to free a trapped dear with farmer friend. Bloody thing kicked me to say thank you. pic.twitter.com/4GVJdHhn9j
— Francis Whittington (@FWeventing) August 20, 2014
Bon Voyage Boys! What advice do you think the Professor will give the Newbie? Hopefully GP chatter all the way! pic.twitter.com/qLw1BSQC53
— Carl Hester MBE (@HesterDressage) August 22, 2014
You can tell there's a big event coming up – the seriously skinny poles made an appearance in today's XC session! pic.twitter.com/MATmHjGv3k
— Harry Meade (@Harry_Meade) August 17, 2014
So my 'friend' @AP_McCoy has nominated me & Frankie to do the #ALSIceBucketChallenge. We're getting soaked after the 4.20 @yorkracecourse
— Clare Balding (@clarebalding) August 22, 2014
Just found little franky having a chill out under the numnahs!! #socute @catjenden pic.twitter.com/9y3UBjub3h
— Gemma Tattersall (@GTeventing) August 20, 2014
On way into theatre now – so excited to stabilise all these wayward bones haha! 1 step closer to eating proper food again!!
— Lissa Green Eventing (@LissaGreen88) August 22, 2014
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