
Score More For Dressage

  • Score More For Dressage by Wendy Jago is a realistic guide for amateur competitors, even the majority who are working within a limited budget and with time constraints.

    The author, judge and trainer Wendy Jago, has considered that even without the flashiest horse in the world, by working on yourself you can still achieve a great deal.

    There is even a chapter entitled “No arena, no problem”, and making the most of what you’ve got is a recurring theme.

    Wendy looks at the bigger picture — deciphering test sheet comments, dealing with competition nerves and mental attitude — considering influences other than our riding that can have a damaging effect on our results.

    She also argues that anyone can benefit from the principles of dressage even if they do not compete.

    Happy-hackers can still improve their fitness, effectiveness and harmony with the horse by using the exercises that are clearly explained in these pages.

    Published by J A Allen, ISBN 085131922X

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