Jnr British novice.— 1, Whatever IV (L Henry); 2, Send In The Troops (K Berrisford); 3, Prybek Royal Emperor (R Leahy). jnr discovery/90cm.— 1, Send In The Troops; 2, Sometimes (H Lines); 3, Meadowcroft Minstrel (L Edwards). jnr 1m.— 1, Bishopston No Limit (A Dobson); 2, MDF Supreme (A Mannington); 3, Paddington Express (J Hughes-Jones). Kitt-Kraiburg jnr sapphire.— 1, Cody (J Cowley); 2, Leyton Legend (E Rogers); 3, Vrynwy Bob The Builder (L Edwards). Squibb Demolition jnr Foxhunter/1.10m.— 1, Top Gun IX (L Edwards); 2eq, 3 tied. jnr 1.15m.— 1, Plasdavrene Leon (J Hughes-Jones).