
Ragwort Bill gathers pace

  • The Private Members Bill on ragwort control has successfully completed its Report Stage and Third Reading in the House of Commons (11 July) and now moves on to the House of Lords.

    The Bill, sponsored by John Greenway, MP (Cons) for Ryedale, in North Yorkshire, paves the way fora statutory code of practice to control ragwort. It was debated among several cross party MPs for almost two hours and unanimously commended to go forward.

    BHS Vice President, Baroness Masham, will promote the legislation in the Upper House.Ythe Bill is expected to return to the Commons in time to reach the Statute Book prior to the Queen’s Speech before the next session of Parliament.

    Following the debate, John Greenway said, “Given the support for the horse and animal welfarefound in the House of Lords, I am optimistic that they will approve the Bill in the autumn. The Minister is already well advanced on the consultation process for the code of practice, which should be up and running before the next season’s growth of ragwort.”

    BHS chief executive Kay Driver added, “This is very good news and we congratulate John Greenway on taking the Bill through the Commons so successfully.”

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