
Getting started in affiliated competitions

  • Have you reached the point where unaffiliated competitions no longer hold the same challenge?

    Do you feel that your horse has the ability to go further, but you’re hesitant about taking on the professionals?

    Don’t be afraid – here’s how to take the plunge into the world of affiliated competitions.

    Getting started

    There are many governing bodies which you can affiliate to. However, you need to make sure that you choose the right one.

    Most societies require you to also register with a specified breed regulating body, so it is important that you study the rules and regulations carefully.

    Advantages of affiliating

  • Provides competition classes for all abilities

  • Helps improve horse and rider with national and regional training courses

  • Encourages members of all standards and to enjoy fair competition

  • Provides a competition structure where everyone can progress and improve their own and their horses’ performance and ability

  • Run according to rules set by governing body

  • Held at centres which have been checked to make sure they meet required standards

  • Classes run to a high specification following set guidelines

  • Proof of winnings recorded

  • Provides a comprehensive insurance cover for you and your horse

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