The signs of liver damage can often be subtle, but they must never be overlooked.
Subtle signs
- Diarrhoea or constipation
- Weight loss
- Fluid accumulation under the belly and in the hindlimbs
- Photosensitisation (excessive sunburn on white areas arising from only mild exposure to the sun)
- Failure of blood to clot effectively (nose bleeds and slowed wound healing due to poor blood clotting)
- Poor or reduced performance or obvious lethargy
- Loss of appetite
- Poor coat quality
Severe signs
- Severe debility (weakness)
- Repeated yawning and pressing of the head against surfaces
- Swelling of the head and limbs, and fluid accumulation
around the belly - Central nervous system shutdown, including depression, mania, seizures, bizarre behaviour, blindness, coma and death
To read the full veterinary feature on liver disease see the current issue of H&H (3 May 2012)
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