
12 things horsey people say in the office — with translations for non-horsey colleagues

  • There are certain things you just can’t expect your colleagues to understand — this handy list will help them to interpret your every mood and need

    1. I had 20 penalties at the weekend (translation: I’m going to be really grumpy this week).
    2. I did a double clear at the weekend (translation: I’m going to be in a great mood this week so take your chance to ask me to do any difficult tasks).
    3. I’ve qualified for the Badminton Grassroots Championships (translation: I’m in the best mood ever so I’ll say yes to anything this week — oh, and I need a week off in May).
    4. My internet crashed last night while I was trying to enter the Area Festival and the deadline is 11am today (translation: don’t bother me for half an hour — I need to abuse this solid internet connection).
    5. My horse refused to jump a double yesterday so I really need to go and see my trainer for a lesson before my show on Saturday — so can I have Thursday off? (translation: can I take Thursday off?)
    6. My yard manager’s just rung to say my horse has cut his leg very badly in the field (translation: ask no further questions, I need to leave work right now).
    7. My horse refused to bend right this morning — it took an hour to persuade him (translation: I’m sorry I’m an hour late).
    8. My horse refused to bend right this morning — it took two hours to persuade him (translation: I’m sorry I’m more than an hour late and that I didn’t have a shower, brush my hair or my teeth and that I’m leaving a trail of hay behind me as I move).
    9. I missed out on a HOYS ticket by one place at the weekend — but it’s ok because there are several more shows where I can try to get one (translation: I’ll be booking off several more Fridays to prepare for shows).
    10. I got my HOYS ticket at the weekend (translation: I need a week off in October).
    11. My yard manager’s just rung to say my horse has colic (translation: see number 6).
    12. My horse has lost a shoe and I have a very important event this weekend (translation: I will be spending all day on the phone to my farrier, possibly offering inappropriate favours as a reward for fast service).

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