
Blenheim International Horse Trials: timetable

  • Plan your visit to Blenheim with our at-a-glance timetable of what’s happening over the four days of this great event (4 – 8 September)

    Wednesday, 4 September

    11.15am Firsthorse inspection

    1.30pm CCI*** dressage

    Thursday, 5 September

    9am CCI*** dressage

    9.30am Riding Clubs team show jumping

    Friday, 6 September

    9am CCI*** dressage

    9.30am Pony Club team show jumping

    4.30pm Live music

    5pm Graham Fletcher “celebrity” masterclass

    Saturday, 7 September

    9am Speed & Endurance phase

    10.20am First horse on cross-country

    Sunday, 8 September

    8am Final horse inspection

    10am CCI*** show jumping (horses below 24th place)

    1pm-3.15pm Arena attraction

    3.30pm CCI*** show jumping (top 24 competitors)

    4.30pm Prize-giving

    Admission prices:

    £7 per person on Thursday and Friday, £16 on Saturday and £9 onSunday. For more information (tel: 0870 8300209) or visit www.petplanequine.co.uk/blenheim


    Blenheim Palace is situated near Woodstock in Oxfordshire. From the M40, take J9 and follow signs to the event

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