
Queach Farm, 10 June

  • QUEACH FARM Great Barton, Suffolk, 10 June

    Prelim 1Q (R Tipping) 1, Moorhill (I Grant) 68.9; 2, Game On (B Whitburn) 66.3; 3, Bridgeford Barnaby (R Rozier) 65.3. Rest 1, Qleudo (S Money) 72.1; 2, Maesmynach Darcy (H Cripps) 64.7; Diamonds Of Greschurch (J Lee) 55.8. Prelim 10 1, Moorhill (I Grant) 67.7;2, Bridgeford Barnaby (R Rozier)63.2; 3, Game On (B Whitburn) 60. Rest 1, Diamonds Of Greschurch (J Lee) 58.6. Nov 21Q 1, The Trixstar (C Appleby) 70.0; 2, Whatever It Takes (T Roberstson) 54.0. Rest 1, Celtic Isle (E Grove) 68.0; 2, Qleudo (S Money); 3, Bynea Star (C Hughes-Hallet) 54.0. Nov 24 1, The Trixster (C Appleby) 65.2. Rest 1, Qleudo (S Money) 67.0; 2, Cloud Nine VII (R Seward) 58.3; 3, Bynea Star (C Hughes-Hallet) 56.5. Elem 44Q(P Ure) Rest 1, Indigo Bay (S Joyes) 72.0; 2, Country Gent II (F Gordon-Clarke) 66.8; 3, Wexford Diamond (A Bishop) 66.8. Elem 41 Rest 1, Indigo Bay (S Joyes) 72.4; 2, Wexford Diamond (ABishop) 70.4; 3, Country Gent II (F Gordon-Clarke) 60.0. Med 71Q 1, Silverno (S Sargeant) 65.8. Rest 1, Liberal (T Crisp) 65.2; 2, Millenium Mischeif (T Crisp) 55.8. Med 63 1, Silverno (S Sargeant) 74.1. Rest 1, Liberal (T Crisp) 61.7; 2, Millenium Mischeif (T Crisp) 52.1. Adv med 83 1, Academy Award (E Hoeg) 70.0;2, Nanette de Revel ( S Carmichael) 65.0. Adv med 93 1, Nanette de Revel ( S Carmichael) 69.5; 2, , Academy Award (E Hoeg) 65.7.

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