
Compete online with Dressage Anywhere

  • A second business has entered the arena of online dressage competitions.

    Dressage Anywhere, launched this month, offers riders the chance to video themselves riding British Dressage (BD) and British Eventing (BE) tests and have them marked by a top judge.

    It follows the launch of a similar system — Interdressage — in 2007.

    Nereide Goodman of Dressage Anywhere said: “What we are doing will be different from anything else that’s available.

    “We will try to be as close to BD competitions as possible, with a separate listed judge for each class, following BD marking.”

    Interdressage tests are graded by listed judge Glynis Mills.

    The competitions will be open for a month and once your test has been judged, you can download your score sheet from the website and see where you are lying in the class.

    Dressage Anywhere hopes to offer International Equestrian Federation (FEI), Pony Club tests.

    The first online show features tests from walk/trot to elementary and all classes will be graded by a List One judge. Entries close on 28 February.

    FEI judge Jo Graham said: “Competitors will benefit from being judged by the more experienced [higher level] listed BD judges, who are not always available to judge these levels.”

    Interdressage also offers grass-roots showing classes and dressage and jumping tests.

    Go to www.dressageanywhere.com or www.interdressage.com

    This article was first published in Horse & Hound (4 February, ’10)

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