Prelim 15 (J Kendall).— 1, Boyzie (C Jeanne) 60.43; 2, Luckey Strike (S Mariani) 58.26; 3, Quinn (M Lowrie) 57.83. rest.— 1, Seren Benfro (J Hill) 72.61; 2, Sindal Wikiki (J Smith) 72.17; 3, Red Rascaille (H Pile) 70.43. nov 37Q (A Craig).— 1, Lollita (J Thornton) 68.93; 2, Grandomino (B Al-Omran) 66.43; 3, Show Lady 60.71. rest.— 1, Revellation (A Nye-Warden) 72.86; 2, Redpath D’Angela (K Lawless) 71.07; 3, Shamrock Star (J Quirke) 65.71. elem 57Q (B Wright).— 1, S Karinka A (S Gill) 67.5; 2, Slipper Orchid (L Hedley) 67.14; 3, Ottono (M Doran) 65. rest.— 1, Blagdon Maybe (G Wyeth) 65; 2, Schewas Solyst (A Fenton) 63.21; Corstan Rogue Trader (N Hawkins) 61.43. med 73Q (S Andrews).— 1, Korenbloem Quercus (A Gould) 65.59. rest.— 1, Be Fine (C Maskell) 63.82; 2, Rivaldi (S Mayne) 62.65; 3, Musgo II (M Burchell) 62.06. adv med 98Q (K Mepham).— 1, Tango V (K Butling) 66.84; 2, Korenbloem Quercus 65; 3, JJ Jambelaya (K Munn) 62.37. pyo (L Whetstone).— 1, Celestial King 68.42; 2, Aldemar (S Williams) 62.77; 3, Haysden Nirvana (J Murphy) 62.5. nov fsm Q (P Green).— 1, Richfield (M Bates) 75.56; 2, Weltakt (L Windle) 71.39; 3, Splash Of Colour III (V Lacey)70.56. rest.— 1, Knocknaveagh Eomer (N Holehouse) 66.94. elem fsm Q (M Ruddock).— 1, Samanrow (R Forsyth) 60.42. rest.— 1, Nou Nours B (D Curtis) 72.08; 2, Weltakt (L Windle) 69.17; 3, Splash Of Colour III (V Lacey) 67.5. med fsm Q (M Drewe).— 1, Korenbloem Varisto (A Gould) 75.94; 2, Middlemarch (R Andrews) 71.09; 3, Idlecombe Georgia (J Lavington) 69.69. adv med fsm Q (S Andrews).— 1, Celestial King (M Beer) 75.67; 2, Korenbloem Varisto (A Gould) 72.83; 3, Weltmeyer’s Typhoon G (S Green) 66.67