
NPS Spring Festival showing results, 16 April, 2011

  • Checkleybank novice LR (Mrs E Morgan).— 1, Mrs S J James’ Pantycoed Gretal; 2, S Pearce’s Pwllsarn Sweetcorn; 3, Mr D J Plumb’s Rowfantina Tribute. FR (Miss J Custerson).— 1, A Lines’ Pumphill Banter; 2, Mr D J Plumb’s Rowfantina Tribute; 3, Mrs S E Rogers’ Akadame Scimitar. TC Tack & Things LR.— 1, Mrs P John’s Newoak Asher; 2, Ms J Newbery’s Newoak Star Edition; 3, Rowfantina Tribute. KBIS FR (Mrs E Morgan).— 1, Pumphill Banter; 2, Mrs V Bywater’s Dyfed Campari; 3, Mrs H Mathias’ Cadlan Valley Teleri. Firle Stud M&M nov (Mrs L Hillard) Welsh sec C/D.— 1, Mrs M Hutchinson’s Caerddaniel Lady Moura; 2, Mrs C Willis-Burton’s Pentrefelin Consuela; 3, Miss S Roberts’ Bercoed Selwyn. Highland, fell, dales.— 1 & ch, Mrs M Nelson’s Lochlands Prince Igor; 2, C Edwards’ Murthwaite Party Time; 3, Miss E Flynn’s Dunedin Marigold. Connemara, New Forest.— 1 & res, Miss H Knight’s Cannal Lorraine; 2, Mr M Morrison’s Coisdeel Ollie; 3, Miss J Jordan’s Kilimazing Merlin. sec A/B.— 1, Miss S Ward’s Llanarth Royal Grey; 2, Mrs R Mackenzie’s Sarum Posy; 3, Mrs T Hook’s Dyfed Rhuddin. Shetland, Exmoor, Dartmoor.— 1, L Hall’s Collstone Bonanza; 2, J Newbery’s Hisley Silversmith; 3, Mrs J Barton’s Vean Night Fever. Stanford SP/SHP pure nov (Mrs J Mabbett) 133cm.— 1 & res, Mrs V Nunn’s Trowswell Clear As Mud. 143cm.— 1 & ch, M Tarrant’s Ellie Blue. Joeling jnr ridden (Mr L Bigley) 138cm.— 1 & res, Miss H Jeans’ Peasedown Savannah; 2, Mr & Mrs T Good’s Underwoods Icarus; 3, Mrs L Pope’s Glenwood Lancelot. 153cm.— 1 & ch, Mrs H Windsor-Phillips’ Wesswood Caste A Spell; 2, Mrs G S Gould’s Horatio Of Langley; 3, Mrs L E Pope’s Village Favourite. Area 25/Underwood YR (Mrs J Bryer) FR.— 1 & res, Rowfantina Tribute; 2, Mrs S L Please’s Treowen Ranger; 3, Pumphill Banter. 10-13yr.— 1, Mrs J Knight’s Townend Fergal; 2, Glenwood Lancelot; 3, Trowswell Clear As Mud. 14-18yr.— 1 & ch, Ellie Blue; 2, Mrs A Abrahall’s Wyken Romeo; 3, Village Favourite. 19-25yr.— 1, Mrs S Andree-Parsons’ Sabinas Bright Spirit; 2, Mrs P Cox’s Blackthorn Sea Puffin; 3, Mrs A Dawson’s Kilmannan Kilty. Leyhills in-hand (Miss F Leadbitter) sml, y’stk.— 1, Mrs J Wharton’s Albert; 2, Mrs B Simcox’s Coppinshill Chaos; 3, S Nicholls’ Windleshaw Saskia. 4-y-o & over.— 1, Miss S Wilkisnon’s Dukeshill Mario; 2, Miss L A Calcutt’s Beltoy Rising Pride; 3, H Reynolds’ Rochedo Beach Bounty. lge, y’stk.— 1 & res, Miss E J Devey & Mr G D Bunney’s Holmedown Lincoln; 2, Mrs C Carnegie’s Murthwaite Alfie; 3, Mr R & Mrs S McNamara’s Lydvale Joy. 4-y-o & over.— 1 & ch, Mrs C M Allin’s Severnvale George; 2, Miss D J Chadwick’s Hedgethorpe You Can’t Be Serious; 3, Mrs S Dowdeswell’s Bybeck Evolution. Hirstmund Stud pure nov (Miss J Paterson) Shetland, Exmoor, Dartmoor.— 1, Hisley Silversmith; 2, Mrs R Jarvis-Broad’s Edwinsfield Nocturne; 3, Mrs B Simcox’s Springwater Happy Day. sec A/B.— 1, Mrs L E Pope’s Llanarth Limited Edition; 2, Mrs L Bates’ Hilin Horatio; 3, Mr P N Russell’s Moelview Chester. Connemara, New Forest.— 1 & res, Cannal Lorraine; 2, Miss J Jordan’s Kilimazing Merlin. Highland, fell, dales.— 1 & ch, Mrs M Stanford’s Tower Tobermory; 2, Hedgethorpe You Can’t Be Serious; 3, Mrs J A Hawkins’ Townend Candyman. sec C/D.— 1, Miss S Roberts’ Bercoed Selwyn; 2, Mr & Mrs Wilson’s Maes Brithda Melody; 3, Miss C Turner’s Hollyfields Lord Gwynfor. Snuggy Hoods open (Mrs G Sabin) Connemara, New Forest.— 1, Mr M Morrison’s Coisdeel Ollie; 2, Miss C Bond’s Loughfadda Bestman; 3, Mesdames J Parker & J Pound’s Moorcorner Minstrel II. Highland, fell, dales.— 1& res, Mr K Light’s Clarmount Bengeman; 2, Mr D Bright’s Moss-side Mclaren; 3, T Milward’s Waterside Ben II. sec C/D.— 1, Miss J Price’s Trenewydd Viking Warrior; 2, Mr D Bright’s Pennal Calon Mai; 3, Miss L Dickinson’s Lychfields Scrumpy Jack. sec A/B.— 1 & ch, Mr & Mrs J Carter’s Millcroft Iska Roc; 2, Mrs D Barr’s Friars Osbek; 3, Miss S Ward’s Nynnwood Elliott. Shetland, Exmoor, Dartmoor.— 1, Mrs D Harrison Knights’ Shilstone Dunna Brook; 2, L Hall’s Collstone Bonanza; 3, Mrs A Stevens’ Brinleyview Camanchee. Showing World SP/SHP Q (Mr J Careless) LR.— 1, Mrs C Hope’s Fofsway Constance; 2, Mrs S J James’ Summertime Sunshine Girl; 3, Mrs R Hanson’s Little Oscar. FR.— 1 & ch, Mrs R Newby’s Ardenhall Miss Moidore; 2 & res, S A McDowall’s Woodview Fantasia. Vale (UK) M&M nov LR Q (Mr R Parker-Jones).— 1 & res, Mrs J Baker’s Cromagtir Colann; 2, Mrs C M Allin’s Highland Unique. Simpson Refractories M&M nov FR Q (Mr A Robertson).— 1 & ch, Akadame Scimitar; 2, S Pearce’s Pwllsarn Sweetcorn; 3, Miss N Greasley’s Coppice Brigitta. Micor Demolition (Mr A Robertson) LR.— 1 & res, Mrs J Green’s Tulubardine Golden Rod; 2, Mrs D Barr’s Blackhill Jetspray; 3, Mrs J Carmichael’s Marsh Midas. FR (Mr R Parker-Jones).— 1 & ch, Mrs A McHale’s Dryknowl Branzil; 2, Mrs A J Ryan’s Mr Mufti; 3, Miss M Badman’s Penucha Star Tambrook qualifying round (Mr R Parker-Jones) 128cm.— 1, Mrs R Newby’s Daldorn Fairytale. 138cm.— 1 & res, Mrs M Tarrant’s Haynevalley Statesman. 153cm.— 1 & ch, Mrs H Windsor-Phillips’ Wesswood Caste A Spell; 2, Mrs A C Sanderson’s Noble Dolly Blue; 3, Mrs J A Hawkins’ Springwind Donnersong. home-produced (Mrs J Mabbett) SP 148cm.— 1, Haynevalley Statesman; 2, Miss K D Bissmire’s Bryncadoc Night Flight. SHP 153cm.— 1, Ellie Blue; 2, Mrs A C Sanderson’s Noble Dolly Blue. www.horsequest.co.uk M&M grand prix (Mrs A McHale) Exmoor, Shetland.— 1, Mesdames Ablett Langdon & Williams’ Tawbitts Mystic Major; 2, Mrs P Cox’s Blackthorn Sea Puffin; 3, Beltoy Rising Pride. Dartmoor, sec A.— 1, Shilstone Dunna Brook; 2, J Stone’s Uppacott Chassagne. sec B/C.— 1 & res, Millcroft Iska Roc; 2, Mrs A Abrahall’s Wyken Romeo; 3, Mr S Cooper’s Rivervalley Rosie Rogers. Connemara, New Forest.— 1, Miss A Fitzsimons’ Rosmeen Cygnus; 2, Mr P Gange’s Ardbear Shadow; 3, Mrs A Parsons’ Sabina’s Gold Sovereign. Highland, fell, dales.— 1 & ch, Mrs M Stanford’s Tower Clyde; 2, Mr W R Ireland’s Kilmannan Black Magic; 3, C Brooks & P Saunders’ Guards Jester. sec D.— 1, Miss J Price’s Trenewydd Viking Warrior; 2, Mrs T Dignan’s Morlena Imran; 3, Miss D Everitt’s Ellington Uncle Joe. Hawkins-Smith Natives British Isles sup ridden (Mr A Robertson).— Tower Clyde; res, Kilmannan Robert The Bruce. Picton nov (Mrs J P B Williams) Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland.— 1, Mrs J Barton’s Shilstone Rocks Forester; 2, Mrs J Knight’s Meering Mr Buzz; 3, Miss J Cannon’s Knightoncombe Turtledove. sec A/B.— 1, D Smith & A Jones’ Pendock Silver Penny; 2, Mrs L Bates’ Hilin Horatio; 3, Mr P N Russell’s Moelview Chester. Connemara, New Forest.— 1, A Smith’s Oaklands Seashell; 2, Mrs F C Thompson’s Black Thorn Padgent. fell, dales, Highland.— 1 & res, Mrs M Nelson’s Lochlands Prince Igor; 2, Mrs M Stanford’s Tower Tobermory; 3, E Flynn’s Nashend Lord Avon. sec C/D.— 1 & ch, D Smith & A Jones’ Broughton Posh Royal; 2, Mrs C Williams’ Synod Mr Vegas; 3, L Rayfield & K Chappell’s Harradene Dymuniad. Area XI SP in-hand sup (Mr A Robertson) y’ling filly.— 1, Mrs J Carmichael’s Fielden Mrs Tiggy Winkle. colt.— 1, Mrs K Saggers-Londesborough’s Stanley Grange Sophisticat; 2, Mr R Oliver’s Corse Lawn Little. 2/3-y-o filly/geld.— 1 & ch, Mrs A Fowler’s Broadgrove Cantata; 2 & res, Mrs L Goodall’s Wycroft Spring Symphony; 3, Miss D Cox’s Briarwytch Spellbound. Roseberry SHP in-hand (Mrs J Mabbett) 2/3–y-o.— 1 & ch, Mrs P Pickford’s Comberton Claude; 2 & res, Mrs P Pickford’s Comberton Chiquita. home-produced pony breeding (Mrs B Evans) y’ling.— 1 & ch, Stanley Grange Sophisticat; 2, Fielden Mrs Tiggy Winkle. 2/3-y-o.— 1, Wycroft Spring Symphony; 2, Briarwytch Spellbound. 4-y-o & over.— 1 & res, Haynevalley Statesman. M&M in-hand (Mr J James) Welsh, y’stk.— 1, D Smith & A Jones’ Crumpwell Finella; 2, Miss D Everitt’s Rhencullen Chatterbox. 4-y-o & over.— 1, Mr P Alder’s Rosmarche Holly Berry; 2, Miss T Price’s Rosecombe Symphony’s Minstrel; 3, Mrs H Leather’s Hodni Rex. Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, y’stk.— 1, Mrs B Simcox’s Coppinshill Chaos; 2, Ms N Hoad’s Collstone Nightingale; 3, Mrs J Wharton’s Albert. 4-y-o & over.— 1, Beltoy Rising Pride; 2, Miss K Thorpe’s Sharpham Master Bee; 3, Mrs J Whorton’s Annabelle. lge breeds y’stk.— 1, Holmedown Lincoln; 2, C Dove’s Fascinating Rhythm; 3, Mrs C Carnegie’s Murthwaite Alfie. 4-y-o & over.— 1 & ch, M Stanford’s Benbreac Of Croila; 2 & res, Mr W R Ireland’s Kilmannan Rob Roy; 3, Mr M James’ Lune Valley Petal. Nick Snelling nov SP/SHP (Mrs J Williams) 128cm.— 1, Mrs J Sinclair’s Radway Courtcase. 153cm.— 1 & ch, Mrs V Windsor-Phillips’ Nook School For Scandal; 2 & res, Mrs A C Sanderson’s Noble Dolly. Area 25 home-prod in-hand (Mrs A McHale) sml.— 1, S Smith’s Forlan Honey King; 2, Miss D Everitt’s Rhencullen Chatterbox; 3, Miss S Wilkisnon’s Dukeshill Mario. lge.— 1 & ch, Holmedown Lincoln; 2 & res, Saith Stud’s Saith Magical Hazelnut Whirl; 3, Mr R McNamara & Mrs S McNamara’s Lydvale EJ. British Isles in-hand (Mrs J Bryer).— Benbreac Of Croila; res, Broadgrove Cantata. Peasedown M&M int (Mrs B Evans) Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland.— 1, Dr R Farley’s Dunsmore Glenmorangie; 2, E Astbury’s Micklehill Ganache. sec A/B.— 1, Mrs A Goodwin’s Abbaty Monarch; 2, Mr M James’ Thistledown The Governor; 3, Mrs D Barr’s Friars Osbeck. sec C/D.— 1 & res, K Chappell’s Dabernon Rock DJ; 2, Mr T Davies’ Oldforge The Gladiator; 3, J & T Shields’ Farhill Jasmin. Connemara, New Forest.— 1, T Milward’s Roz Ave 1 Du Maucomble; 2, Mrs S Andree-Parsons’ Sabinas Bright Spirit; 3, Ms R Baskett’s Daniels Karamel. fell, dales, Highland.— 1 & ch, Kilmannan Robert The Bruce; 2, Miss S Pound’s Gemma Of Carlung; 3, C Brooks & P Saunders’ Guards Jester. Dargavel young M&M (Mr R Parker-Jones) sml.— 1 & res, Mrs J Barton’s Vean Night Fever; 2, Mrs J Knight’s Meering Mr Buzz; 3, Miss V Burton’s Colne. lge.— 1 & ch, Mrs G S Gould’s Horatio Of Langley; 2, Miss D Spears & Miss E Corkett’s Lochlands Madonna; 3, Mrs C Thorpe’s Murthwaite Gurkha. Ringside Stud M&M (Mrs J Woods) Shetland, Dartmoor, Exmoor.— 1 & res, Beltoy Rising Pride; 2, Miss S Roper’s Dunkery Coaltit; 3, Miss R Jarvis Broad’s Dunsmore Balcarron. sec A/B.— 1, C William’s Mynach Buccaneer; 2, Mrs S Oliver’s Blackhill Impulse. dales, fell, Highland.— 1 & ch, Mrs C M Allin’s Thornville Jake; 2, Waterside Ben II; 3, Mrs J A Hawkins’ Townend Candyman. Connemara, New Forest.— 1, Miss A Fitzsimons’ Rosmeen Cygnus; 2, Roz Ave 1 Du Maucomble. sec C/D.— 1, Miss E J South’s Valba SPG Poseur; 2, Mrs T Dignan’s Morlena Imran; 3, Mrs E Edge’s Abercypyn The Senator. M&M jnr WHP (Mrs G Sells, Miss J Custerson) 128cm.— 1, Mrs P Sampson-Pleasant’s Anri Class Act; 2, Mrs V Cox’s Boston Bo-Peep. 138cm.— 1, Mrs J A Meyrick’s Deerleap Ollie; 2, Mrs A Goodwin’s Haninard Cashel Finn; 3, Mrs K L Walters’ Oaklands Rowan. 148cm.— 1, Mrs D Barr’s Hardyrocks; 2, Mrs K L Walters’ Holnest Ceannabhan; 3, Mr M McCombe’s Brodella Lissnaught Thyme. Area XI M&M FR WHP (Miss J Custerson, Miss J Paterson) 128cm.— Hardyrocks; res, S Hobbs’ Netherfield D’ Mr Darcy. River Valley WHP (Mr J Careless, Mrs J Williams) NS.— 1, Mrs J Hawkins’ Kyneton Sweet William; 2, D Smith & A Jones’ Tynyace Merlyn; 3, Mrs V Cox’s Hanmere Maverick. 133cm.— 1 & ch, Mrs N Horsley-Gibbons’ Annandale Matador; 2, Kyneton Sweet William; 3, Willoway Pot Of Gold. 143cm.— 1 & res, Miss H Jeans’ Conchita. 153cm.— 1, Mrs A J Bowlby’s Smokey Mcgrath; 2, Mrs D Reynolds’ Lakeview Lark. Area 25 M&M WHP (Mr J James, Mrs J P B Williams) 122cm.— 1 & ch, Mrs J Sinclair’s Pantycoed Tawny Owl; 2, Mrs J Suffling’s Briars Amaretto; 3, Mrs E J Launder’s Gorfelyn Go Lightly. 138cm.— 1, Oaklands Rowan; 2, Mrs L Perrot’s Tyntyla Gwyndaf; 3, Mrs G Brown’s Ty’Reos Lili. 148cm.— 1 & res, Miss D Snape’s Kingswells Solo; 2, S Hetherton-Davies/N Smith’s Gorgeous George. PRP Equestrian Rescue M&M WHP/RIHS (Mrs E Morgan, Mrs J Bryer) 122cm.— 1 & res, Hanmere Showman; 2, Mrs J Suffling’s Briars Amaretto; 3, Mrs E L Conway’s Colliyers Pearl Bracelet. 138cm.— 1 & ch, Mrs S Smith’s Brooksan Kitchener; 2, Oaklands Rowan; 3, Haninard Cashel Finn. 148cm.— 1, Mrs A Bebbington’s Willoway Court Jester; 2, K Gibbard’s Grange Bobbing Surf; 3, Smokey Mcgrath. Bowling Family M&M nov WHP (Mr A Robertson, Mrs J Woods) 122cm.— 1 & res, Mrs A Stevens’ Brinleyview Camanchee; 2, Mrs J Sinclair’s Pantycoed Tawny Owl; 3, Anri Class Act. 138cm.— 1 & ch, Miss S O’Halloran’s Drybarrows Blarny; 2, Miss E J Boardman’s Gwyllan Rooney; 3, Miss C Bond’s Chilham Whisper. 148cm.— 1, Mrs T North’s Kestrel; 2, Miss C Tristram’s Rodlease Special Magic; 3, Mrs S Love’s Silver Foxtrot. int M&M WHP (Mrs L Hillard, Miss G Sabin) 122 cm.— 1, Brinleyview Camanchee; 2, Mrs L Wilkinson’s Stoak Song; 3, Mrs DBarr’s Friars Osbek. 138cm.— 1, Miss V Taheri-Sinfield’s Mallards Wood Full Monty; 2, Ty’Reos Lili; 3, S Hetherton-Davies/N Smith’s Caerddaniel Thomas. 148cm.— 1 & ch, Gorgeous George; 2 & res, Mr T Davies’ Oldforge The Gladiator; 3, Hardyrocks. Prestige Browbands comp pony (Mrs A McHale) 128cm.— 1, Mrs J Wharton’s Gaoth. 138cm.— 1 & res, Mrs P Balch’s Sinton Cobweb; 2, Mrs D Handley’s Spinway Token. 158cm.— 1 & ch, Mrs N Brewer’s Aberaeron Telynor Ap Tywysog.

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