HOYS hunter (Mrs R King, Mrs J Stephens) sml.– 1, P Underwood’s Royal Agent; 2, G Merton’s Kilkea Castle; 3, L Bracey’s First Edition. HOYS cob (Mr S Somers) lwt.– 1 & ch, Lady C Tyrrell’s The Comedian; 2, Rosettes Direct’s Darcey Bustle; 3, Baileys Horse Feeds’ Gallifrey. hwt.– 1 & res, C Neame’s Starry Night; 2, L Oseman’s Ballyell Turbo; 3, Baileys Horse Feeds’ Skaro. maxi.– 1, M Wallace’s Dylan Thomas; 2, N Armstrong’s Tanktop; 3, K Gillam’s Hortons Maclaren. HOYS riding horse (Mrs R King, Mrs J Stephens) sml.– 1 & res, C Mackness’ Bueno Sino; 2, C Imrie’s Tea Dance; 3, Rosettes Direct’s Galliano III. lge.– 1 & ch, H Whiteley-John’s Sea Ocean Field; 2, The Queen’s Petition; 3, H Raley’s Kings Gold. Olympia Heritage M&M (Mrs P Pattinson, Mrs S Thomas) sml.– 1, Mrs & Miss Newbery’s Newoak Furious; 2, Walters & Hodges’ Shaptor Laser Red; 3, L Buchanan-Jackson’s Blackertor Rhonda. Welsh sec A/B.– 1, L Bates’ Cottrell Leonardo; 2, J Filmer’s Lemonshill Falcon; 3, C Hawkins’ Carrwood Xanthus. sec C.– 1, N Musson’s Popsters Tommy Cockles; 2, K Gibbons’ Banroc Mr Brightside; 3, Mr & Mrs Bright’s Waxwing Rheel. Connemara, New Forest.– 1, C Dugmore’s Prince Nestor; 2, N Noonan Banks Vanilla; 3, S Kivlochan’s Braemar Be Lucky. Fell, Dales, Highland.– 1 & ch, V Edwards-Sonnex’s Lydvale Jacob; 2, Rayfield & Chappell’s Wolsey Xabi; 3, J Minns’ Castle Hill Raven. sec D.– 1 & res, C Fell’s Brynseion Bendigo; 2, L Bigley’s Llanarth Seldom Seen; 3, Lady Vestey’s Kentchurch Charity. HOYS M&M (Ms G Wright,Mrs S Rampling) LR.– 1, M Burchell’s Ysselvliedts Navarino; 2, Mrs Cawte’s Springwater Last Night; 3, Blackertor Rhonda. FR.– 1, L Hayes’ Dyfed Campari; 2, D Barr’s Firle Duchess; 3, D Mindel’s Newtonhill Prince Albert. HOYS hack (Mrs A Leaver) sml.– 1 & res, K Dove’s Golden Gunner; 2, L Smith-Crallan’s Royal Engagement; 3, B Edwards’ Valantinos Royal Touch. lge.– 1 & ch, C Bardo’s Broadshard Simplicity; 2, Mr & Mrs Jerram’s Night Prayers; 3, K Hounsom’s Classic Top Totty. HOYS working hunter (Mr A Webber).– 1, F Bentley’s Zepper; 2, J Elkington’s Crack The Code; 3, D Carroll’s Pencader Gatsby. HOYS hunter (Mr M Davies, Mrs J Butt) lwt.– 1 & ch, J Day’s Vantage Point; 2, Mr & Mrs Jerram’s About Town; 3, Armstrong-Small & Burton’s Kansas Toddle. mwt.– 1 & res, C Bardo’s Knightsbridge Court; 2, J Day’s Over The Rainbow; 3, Mr & Mrs Jerram’s Woodfield Indo. hwt.– 1, C Bardo’s Silverstream II; 2, L Freedman’s Cashel Rock; 3, L Smith’s Lord Litchfield. CHAPS coloured ridden (Mr A Perkins) native/cob/traditional pony.– 1 & res, L Wright’s Moortown Frilly; 2 & ch, Bardo & Hughes’ The Humdinger; 3, Baileys Horse Feeds’ Skaro. horse.– 1, C Knight’s Small-Land Colour Code; 2, K Ledger’s Chelanno; 3, M Morley’s Puzzles Pleased As Punch. in-hand nat/cob/trad.– 1, S Wilson’s Redwings Master Blaster; 2, K Hodgson’s Nantilesg Elwyn; 3, K Szostak’s Little Big Man IV. y’stk.– 1, A Gale’s Skys The Limit; 2, S Hale’s Shybont Desirae In Mind; 3, B Walter’s Shybont Design In Mind. Tattersalls & Retraining of Racehorses TB show horse ch (Mrs A Moreshead, Mr R Allcock) Flat.– 1, E Whalley’s Milliemeter; 2, V Smart’s Chivola; 3, K Barrett’s Private Soldier. NH (Mr D Ingle, Lady E Balding.– 1 & ch, J Newbold’s Deep Reflection; 2 & res, C Brown’s Blackcurrant; 3, L Marden’s Double Brandy.