
BDS Northern Ireland, 8 July

  • BDS NORTHERN IRELAND Londonderry Park, Newtownards, 8 July

    Welsh sec C up to 13.2hh in hand (Mr & Mrs McNinch) 1, D Wilson’s Fronarth Cindy; 2, J Newell’s Brynithon Black Prince; 3, E Weir’s Milltown Boy. Welsh Cob over 13.2hh in hand 1 & ch, J Cleland’s Bon Heather; 2 & res, J Curran’s Warrior, 3, D Cleland’s Budore Golden Wonder. Hackney pony in hand 1 & ch, N Fitzsimmons’s Ardtole Dancing Lady. nov driving horse 1, L Rooney’s Fronarth Jupiter (W McAnally); 2, C Geddis’s Rockie 3, Fronarth Cindy. exercise cart up to 13.2hh 1 & res, D O’Neill’s Goldsmith Boy (B Adair); 2, E Dash’s Shannaghan Toy Boy; 3, H Chambers’s Grangepark Finale. exercise carts over 13.2hh 1 & ch, M Ward’s Fronarth Cardi Express; 2, B McAuley’s Roameny What’s Wanted; 3, N Fitzsimmons’s Raydycar Hebog. non-Hackney type 13.2hh and over 1, Alexander’s Fronarth Sean (D Wilson); 2, B McAuley’s Bancar Doodle Dandy; 3, M Hampton’s Croftvale Corum. non-Hackney over 13.2hh 1 & ch, J Carnduff’s Tarzan; 2, R Picken’s Purfleet Golden Crest; 3, R Smyth’s Elle. Welsh section D 1, J Carnduff’s Fronarth Golden Gaza; 2, P Power’s Bennetts Castle Shogun; 3, Fronarth Jupiter. open showman’s 1, Purfleet Golden Crest; 2, Brookeborough Sky High; 3, D Wilson. country turnout 1, Purfleet Golden Crest; 2, G Fawcett’s pr of Friesians; 3, K Knipe’s Bailie. Hackney type 1 & res, Brookeborough Sky High; 2, J Cunningham’s Thorneyside Countess (LSkillen). driven Shetland 1, P Harris’s Beltoy Royalist 2, J Weir’s Darkie. Hackney horse to show wagon 1, R Cadoo’s Brookfield Lad; 2 & res, L Hazlitt’s Baldwins Messiah; 3,W McDowell’s Baldwins Queen of Hearts. Hackney pony to show wagon 1 & ch, D Boyd’s Potpourri Farm Comin’ Thru. concours d’elegance & show drive (Mayor of Ards) 1, B Hanna’s Adam & Max; 2, W Hutchinson’s Taran. junior whip 1, C Newell; 2, K Kelly; 3, N Foster. ladies whip 1, M Hampton; 2, L Kelly; 3, V Titterington. light trade singles 1, Bancar Doodle Dandy; 2, K Knipe’s Bandit; 3, Milltown Boy. light trade multiples 1, G Fawcett’s pair of Friesians; 2, D O’Rourke’s Albert & Sam; 3, Adam & Max.

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