
Winter happiness for ponies

  • Make sure your pony is in good condition – not under weight – before being turned out.
  • Keep the pony’s teeth rasped and checked during the winter
  • Maintain an effective worming programme.
  • Make sure the pony’s feetare kept in good condition. They must be regularly trimmed or shod during the winter.
  • Most ponies that are living out will require a New Zealand rug. Choose the one that fits your pony best. You really need two rugs, in case one gets torn or soaking wet.
  • There are a variety of “bra” like contraptions available which can be used under a New Zealand to stop rug rubs appearing on the shoulders.
  • Very old ponies, those that suffer from mud fever, cracked heels or rain scald andponies that have very soft soles should not be wintered outside.
  • When turning a pony out for the winter, do not leave a headcollar on, even if the pony is difficult to catch. Headcollars can get caught on things and they make your pony easy prey for thieves!
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